Returning after a 4-Year Hiatus :)

Dani L.



To reintroduce (v.) = to introduce again 


High light (n.) = an important, memorable or enjoyable event


Postpartum Depression (PPD) (n.) = depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.


To put/set down roots (verb phrase) = to make a place one's home, for example by taking part in activities there or by making a lot of friends there


To get back into the (gerund/noun) + game (verb phrase) slang = to start doing an activity, profession, or hobby again. 



-       Chef John hasn’t cooked in years, but he’s ready to get back into the cooking game now. 

-       Emma got back into the music game after trying finance for a year. She’s a very talented pianist. 

-       After a 6-year break, Sandy is finally getting back into the fitness game. She started lifting weights again two weeks ago.  

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  • Dani L.

    Hello there! Thank you so much for the kind comment. I hope the new year has been good to you so far! :)

  • gakkie

    I am just happy to see you relaunch giving lessons after you experienced ups and downs in your life. "The world is so made that there is someone to love you."

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