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Thinking in English for fluency

Nadine Flores

One of the best advice that I can give to students learning how to be fluent in English is to THINK in English. You can easily do this at any time of the day.

Look around you. What do you see? Now form sentences using that word. If I look around now, I see a picture. With this picture, I can form a few sentences.

1. This picture was taken last Christmas with family.
2. This picture was taken last Christmas by my uncle.
3. I was making coffee when this picture was taken.

Use only words that you know. Don't look anything up in the dictionary. You can look up words if you want to build your vocabulary, but if you're focused on improving your fluency, use words that you already know.

You can also do this activity at the beginning of the day and at the end of your day. In the beginning, you can think about things that you plan on doing and at the end of the day, you can think about the things that you did that day.

Good luck! :)
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英語   母語程度
塔加洛語   日常會話程度
日語   只能說一點

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