Joy Yuan
Nov 25, 2024
Joy Yuan
Joy Yuan
Joy Yuan
そろそろ旧正月ですから、今シンガポールの華僑と中国人は今準備してます。旧暦では2月10日に龍年になります。今日は十二支に関係する語彙をシェアします! Chinese New Year is comi...
Joy Yuan
Try this hobby to keep fit in the winter months. Stretching at our local Centre.
Keep active and fit and join us at the local centre.A hot cup of cocoa afterwards.(my wife and I ca...
Jack in Japan
What makes an English teacher to be a good teacher?
This is a question that many have not properly addressed in a clear way. So because of that, I will...
Dean William
Why do I live and teach IELTS in Japan?
So why have I been living in Japan and teaching IELTS for over 25 years? A simple answer is, I'd al...
Mark Feeley
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