
My favorite place on Earth!

주간 토픽: Your favorite place on Earth!

Chie W

My Favorite Place in the World: Prince Edward Island

Everyone has a place that holds a special place in their heart—a place with beautiful scenery, peaceful moments, or cherished memories. For me, that place is Prince Edward Island.
I’ve loved Anne of Green Gables since I was a child. The adventures and growth of Anne Shirley captivated me, and I dreamed of someday visiting the island that served as the backdrop for her story. When I finally made that dream a reality as an adult, I realized that I wasn’t just visiting a tourist destination—I was stepping into a world I had long carried in my heart, a world where the story I had loved for so long seemed to come alive.

Beautiful Nature and Healing Time

Prince Edward Island is not just a literary setting; its natural beauty is overwhelming. The clear blue sea, the red clay cliffs, and the expansive green fields—all these elements come together to create a landscape that feels like it exists for the sole purpose of healing the soul. It was as if every corner of the island offered a quiet sanctuary, a place to breathe deeply and feel at peace.

A Place of Memories

What makes this place especially meaningful to me is that I was able to visit as an adult, and in doing so, I was able to experience the realization of a dream I had held since childhood. To stand in the very place I had imagined all those years ago, to walk the same paths that Anne might have walked, was an incredibly joyful moment. It felt as though the island had welcomed me into its story, and I was part of something timeless.

Prince Edward Island is not just a tourist destination for me. It is a place I have long admired in my heart, a special intersection where story and reality meet. I dream of one day returning with my family, making new memories together on this beautiful island. Until then, I continue to think of it fondly, knowing it will always be my “heart’s home.” Prince Edward Island is, and will always be, a place that holds a unique and eternal place in my heart.

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