Tracey JS
Nov 27, 2024
English | Native |
French | Fluent |
Spanish | Just a few words |
German | Just a few words |
Christmas in France and the UK!
Sitting here in South West France, I’m thinking about how different Christmas is to back in the UK....
Tracey JS
I spent 23 years working at KFC in the UK Head Office (or Restaurant Support Centre, as it is calle...
Tracey JS
Holiday gift ideas for friends and family!
'Christmas is a time of giving' - that great English quote - but not everyone is able to buy a gift...
Tracey JS
Just plain French and (Business) English in a nutshell
When I left school, with few qualifications, little did I know how my life would pan out. I went t...
Tracey JS
A new phase of life for students and teachers
Photo: Gabriel Benois on UnsplashFor many people, it feels like life is on pause because of the cor...
Zach McLaughlin
リフォームなぜそれが間違いなのか これは英語の “reform” から来ています。これは英単語ですが、英語のネイティブスピーカーはこれを使い分けています。 "To reform" は、人の性格がポジ...
Vicky B
Why I no longer celebrate Christmas
Christmas is a cherished holiday that brings joy to millions around the globe every year on Decembe...
Wendy E
英語学習者向記事とビデオ Articles and Videos for studying English - Voice of America Learning English website 英語学習者向けに作られた記事とビデオのウェブサイト A website of articles and videos de...
Vicky B
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