One of my favorite places on earth: The Louvre!

주간 토픽: Your favorite place on Earth!

Pilar Barrera

I love museums. I love museums because I love Art History. Like literature, paintings and sculptures tell us stories.  I had the chance to visit Paris a few weeks ago, and one of my favorite places on earth is The Louvre. I spent hours lost in the galleries looking at these works of art that inspire us. Sculptures, paintings… they tell us a millions stories.

What does this Cycladic image tell you? It was made by someone around 2500 BCE! (photo: my own)

And just looking at the sweetness and softness of the face of baby Jesus in this painting by da Vinci called The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, moves my heart… (photo: my own)

So yes… a favorite place is a place where my heart can be moved; where there're hundreds of stories to be imagined...The Louvre…

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