Recel Mae
2024년 12월 16일
Twinkling Lights and Cozy Nights: Decorating Vocabulary
The holiday season is a magical time filled with beautiful decorations that bring warmth and joy ...
Recel Mae
Holiday Drinks: Useful Expressions for Talking About Your Favorite Drinks!
The holiday season is filled with delicious drinks that make celebrations even more special. Whethe...
Recel Mae
Mastering May, Might, and Could: Talking About Possibilities and Suggestions
Hi, student! Let’s talk about three helpful words in English: may, might, and could. These words sh...
Recel Mae
My Top 6 Sports Anime: Passion, Teamwork, and Thrills!
As a passionate fan of Japanese anime, I find sports anime particularly thrilling and inspiring. Th...
Recel Mae
皆さんこんにちは/こんばんは、そしておはようございます(*´ω`) 日本は蒸し暑いようですが大丈夫ですか?また地元北海道と九州で地震があったようですが大丈夫でしょうか? ...
Bonjour tout le monde!! みなさんこんにちは。 本日、日本に住む『フランス人ユーチューバー』をご紹介。チャンネル名は『Bebechan』です。↓https://www.yo...
Afternoon tea at home in England
Maybe you've heard of the famous British tradition of afternoon tea, started in 1840 by the Duchess...
Gem C
My favourite Book of the Season: "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai [ Review ]
"No Longer Human" is a novel written by the Japanese author Osamu Dazai in 1948. A novel that has p...
Laurin N.
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