Emanuel T
2025년 1월 02일
Hallo! Wie ihr vielleicht schon wisst (Europa Reise Teil 1), liebe ich zu reisen und war einmal mit...
Emanuel T
“Città d’arte” sono città con luoghi, edifici ed opere che le rendono storicamente e culturalmente ...
Emanuel T
How I use AI and technology for language learning
Hello friends,In one of my last columns I wrote about how learning a language cannot be replaced by...
Emanuel T
Seit mehreren Jahren schon hatte ich leider keine Möglichkeit zu reisen. Obwohl die Pandemie endli...
Emanuel T
My favorite subject in elementary school
The subject which I loved when I was an elementary school student was Japanese.I was a bookworm, so...
パートナーが僕にLINEでメッセージを送ってきた。 "I'm about to catch a train" 彼女は仕事から帰るところだと思ったので、びっくりした! 「えっ! どこに行くの...
John Nanakamado
When I first arrived in Korean in 1999, I met a young pastor who lamented the fact that Korea just ...
Alison T.
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