At my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Aoyama 1991!
懐かしい !!!This is me when I was still Miss Valentine at my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Ao...
The Holidays are Coming! What do you know about Sweet Potato Pie?
Welcome to November! I'm glad you're here! In the USA, many families with chil...
From the Weekly Topic: The Most Difficult Thing about Living Abroad
I have lived and worked abroad twice in my lifetime, both times in Japan when I was young. This was...
New Podcasts in English! Want one in Japanese?
Guess who is podcasting here in the USA! So, should I in Japanese, too? Let me know!
Bonjour tout le monde !私は、Paris 滞在の時、モンマルトルの近くに住んでいましたが、今日はその時の思い出をご紹介させて頂きます。私の住んでいたアパルトマンは、18区の L...
YouTube Channels to Help You Improve Your English Listening and Vocabulary
YouTube is a powerful tool for practicing English. With my most advanced students, I sometimes use ...
Clizia Mondini
Are you looking for an experienced and friendly English teacher who understands the challenges Japa...
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