
Weather related idioms

Tariq Khan

The UK is being battered by a fierce storm today and quite literally we have to "weather the storm". This English phrase also means to endure a difficult situation.

What are some of the other weather related English idioms? Here is a small selection:
  • Storm in a teacup  - a fuss over something trivial.
  • Under the weather: feeling unwell or sick.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining: Every difficult or negative situation has some positive aspect.
  • Come rain or shine: No matter what happens; regardless of the circumstances.
  • Throw caution to the wind: to act in a risky or carefree way, ignoring potential dangers.
  • On cloud nine: extremely happy.
  • Steal someone’s thunder: to take credit for someone else’s idea or to draw attention away from them.
  • It never rains but it pours: problems or misfortunes tend to occur all at once.
  • A storm is brewing: trouble or conflict is about to happen.

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