
How to order a ramen in Japan.

Nanami Oyanagi


I introduce two topics in this column as the below.
1, What is a Jiro-style ramen
2, How to order a Jiro-style ramen.

First Topic; What is a 次郎系ラーメン(じろうけいラーメン/Jiro-style ramen)? 

Jiro-style ramen is one of the most puplular ramen chain restaurants in Japan.
This ramen is famous for its huge portions, garlic and oily soup. 

This picture is a Jiro-style ramen.
Jiro-style ramen is piled high with plenty of chashu slices and vegetables such as bean sprouts 

★ニンニク... garlic
★もやし... bean sprouts
★チャーシュー...chashu slices

Second topic; How to order a Jiro-style ramen.

First, you buy a meal ticket on a machine before taking a seat and then hand it to a staff. You don't order to the staffs directly.
★食券(しょっけん):a meal ticket 
食券 is not only Jiro-style ramen, also tonkatsu restaurants, other ramen restaurants and soba restaurants have 食券。
★小(しょう):small one
★中(ちゅう):medium one 
★大(だい):big one
Almost of women won't be able to eat all of jiro-style ramen, even though they order small one. 

When you take a seat, staffs ask you some questions as the below.
All requests are free. You can order that as you like. 

1. ニンニク入れますか(いれますか)?
Would you like extra garlic in your noodle?
2. 野菜(やさい)そのまま or 増やす(ふやす)
How about portions of vegetables? standard or more?
3. 背脂(せあぶら)そのまま or 増やす(ふやす)
How about portions of oil? standard or more?
4. 醤油ダレをかけてカラメにするか
Would you like strong taste?

Other Words
1.番号札(ばんごうふだ) a numbered ticket
2.黒烏龍茶(くろウーロンちゃ) black oolong tea
3.コーラ cola
4.お冷(おひや) a cup of water
5.割り箸(わりばし) chopsticks 
6.紙ナプキン(かみナプキン) paper napkins
7.おしぼり wet towels
8.シール stickers

If you have any questions about ordering in Japanese restaurants, let's practice that with me on the lesson!

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