洋楽ブログ(22) Elle King - America's Sweetheart


The reason I make my music blog available both in English and in Japanese is because I don't want to limit my readers to either only those who can understand English or only those who can understand Japanese. If I write only in Japanese, non-Japanese students taking English lessons, for example, probably won't read my blog, unless they happen to be very good at Japanese. I want to make my blog (   ) to a wider audience. I want to bore to death as many people as possible.

1) relevant and appealing
2) relevant but unappealing
3) irrelevant yet appealing
4) irrelevant and unappealing

Some time ago, Cafetalk made it possible for each column article to be categorized, supposedly making it easier for readers to find what they're looking for. If, for example, this post is intended for English learners interested in shadowing practice using movies, I can choose the category "Yoga." One post can be tagged with more than one category if necessary.

The problem I have with that, though, is when multiple categories are assigned to one post, a small icon for only one category will be displayed on the column index page. (If you're not sure what I'm talking about, please take a look at the index page. Click here. You'll see that some articles have one small icon in their upper left corner. Note that there are no posts with more than one icon.) If I put this article into four different categoriesーEnglish, Japanese, Music, and Narcissistic Writingーand you see only the "English" icon there, you'll probably assume this post is marked "English," and "English" only. People looking for "Narcissistic Writing" articles will probably just ignore this post. If you use the search function, this post will of course show up in any of those four categories, but I don't think many people would do that.

Also, I think the language categories are too broad and vague. Exactly whom is the category "English" meant for? English learners? English learners on Cafetalk are from all around the world. Let's say I'm a student learning English, and if there's an article labeled "English" which was written in the Korean language by a Korean tutor teaching English, I won't be able to read it because I can't read Korean. That means that article isn't really meant for me even though I'm an English learner. I want categories to be more specific. That's because my target audience includes:

●Students learning English
●Students learning Japanese
●Any other type of students who can read and understand English
●Any other type of students who can read and understand Japanese
●Any type of teachers who can read and understand English
●Any type of teachers who can read and understand Japanese
●Cafetalk staff members
●Anyone who enjoys making puns on herb names in Japanese and/or English

I want a separate category for each of the above. And I want all the icons to be shown for my blog.

Speaking of icons, the current icon for the category "English" is a picture of a coffee cup with the letter "A" on it (click here). That doesn't make any sense. I mean, the icon for "Japanese" is a coffee cup with a red circle on it, which looks like the Japanese national flag (click here), so it's easy to see the connection. But, how could the letter "A" represent "English"? The letter "A" isn't exclusive to the English language. It's used in other languages, too. Wouldn't it be better to change it to "B"?

Until all my wishes above are granted, my blog will not serve its purposes of reaching out to more people and showing them how great Saitama used to be. That's why I've been refusing to attach any label to my blog entries.

Anyway, I wondered who exactly my current readers are, so I had my own investigative team analyze the page views on my last music blog post "洋楽ブログ(21) Maroon 5 - This Summer's Gonna Hurt...." The view count at the time of the investigation stood at 795. Here are the findings:

●99% of the views (=787 views) were made by one individual who just kept refreshing the page to run up the view count. The team says this person looked awfully like Tutor Yoshinori.
●Only the remaining 9 views accounted for the actual readers. And none of them were humans; they were all porpoises.

My initial reaction was: (  ) So, while my blog doesn't serve its purposes, it's been serving porpoises!

1) What? I want a lawyer!
2) Porpoises are very intelligent creatures!
3) You got 795-787 wrong!
4) Let's make Saitama great again!

Anyway, this is very puzzling. Why am I popular with porpoises?

The answer to that question seems to be found in American female singer Elle King's song called "America's Sweetheart." In it, she talks about how she is not the stereotypical "sweet girl" kind of woman. Even so, there are people who find her attractive, and they are attracted to who she is. So she's fine with the way she is. She sums this up at the end of the chorus: "What do you want from me? / I'm not America's sweetheart / But you love me anyway."

So, that explains my situation. I'm not Cafetalk's sweetheart, meaning I'm not the "sweet girl" kind of middle-aged man on Cafetalk, but those marine mammals love me anyway.

By the way, did you know Elle King is Rob Schneider's daughter? In case you don't know who Rob Schneider is, he is Elle King's father.

One more thing about Elle King: Her music is described as "rock-y, blues-y, country-y, and pop-y," but I think she should convert to Japanese enka music. She's already got the choreography down. Watch her killing it at 2:18 in the video. (Not at 2:25. I repeat, not at 2:25. That's not her.)

OK, that's it for today! I'm sure everyone reading this right now is a porpoise. Thank you for reading! If you're pretending to be a human being, please come out right now and say "Yes, I am a porpoise" in the comment section below. Don't be shy! I want to make this place a blog of the porpoises, by a merman, for the porpoises. So, forget all I said earlier in this post. I don't care about Saitama anymore. All I ask for now is a new category named "Porpoises" and an icon of a porpoise swimming in a coffee cup.

ぼくがこの洋楽ブログを英語と日本語の両方でお届けしてる理由は、読者を英語が理解できる人たちだけ、または、日本語が理解できる人たちだけのどちらかに限定してしまいたくないからです。もし日本語だけで書いたら、例えば、英語レッスンを受けてる日本人でない生徒さんは、おそらくぼくのブログを読んでくれないでしょう。たまたま日本語がとても得意とかでもない限り。ぼくはこのブログをもっと幅広い読者層に対して(  )ものにしたいんです。できるだけ多くの人に死ぬほどのつまらなさを感じてもらいたいからです。

1) 嗜好に合いかつ魅力のある
2) 嗜好に合うが魅力のない
3) 嗜好に合わないが魅力のある
4) 嗜好に合わずかつ魅力のない


しかし、それに関してぼくが困っていることは、複数のカテゴリーが1つの記事に当てられたときに、そのうちの1つだけのカテゴリーを示す小アイコンしか、コラムのインデックスページで表示されないことです。(もし何の話かわからないかたは、インデックスページをご覧ください。ココをクリック。一部の記事の左上に小アイコンが1つ付いてるのがわかるはずです。2個以上のアイコンが付いてる記事は1つもないのがポイント) もしぼくがこの記事を「英語」「日本語」「音楽」「ナルシスト風ライティング」という4つの異なるカテゴリーに入れても、「英語」のアイコンしか表示されなければ、みなさんはおそらくこの記事のカテゴリーは「英語」で、しかも「英語」だけだと思うと思います。「ナルシスト風ライティング」の記事を探してる人はおそらくこの記事は単純にスルーしちゃうと思います。もしサーチ機能を使えば、この記事はもちろん上の4つのカテゴリーのどれにも引っかかりますが、それをするような人はたくさんはいないと思います。

それから、言語のカテゴリーは広すぎ&曖昧すぎって思います。「英語」っていうカテゴリーは厳密に「だれ」を対象にしてるのか。英語学習者? カフェトークの英語学習者は世界中からの集まり。仮にぼくが英語を学習してる生徒だとして、英語を教えてる韓国人講師によって韓国語で書かれた記事で「英語」のカテゴリーになってる場合、ぼくは韓国語が読めないので、その記事は読めないことになります。ということは、ぼくは英語学習者であるにもかかわらず、その記事は実はぼくには向いてないことになります。ぼく的にはもっと細かいカテゴリーが欲しいんです。なぜならぼくは以下のような読者を対象としてるからです。





それはいいとして、ぼくのブログの現在の読者がだれなのか正確に知りたかったので、ぼくは独自の調査班に前回の洋楽ブログ記事「洋楽ブログ(21) Maroon 5 - This Summer's Gonna Hurt...」のページ閲覧を解析してもらいました。調査時の閲覧数は「795回」でした。以下が調査でわかったことです。

●閲覧数の99%(=787回)は、閲覧数を上げるために単にページを更新し続けた1人の人物によるものだった。調査班によると、その人物は Yoshinori 講師に酷似してたとのこと。

ぼくの最初のリアクションは(  )でした。ということで、「ぼくのブログを読んでいるかたはいるか?」と思ったら、ぼくのブログを読んでいるかたはイルカでした。

1) 「え? 弁護士呼んで!」
2) 「イルカってとても知能の高い生き物!」
3) 「795-787の計算が間違ってる!」
4) 「埼玉を再びすばらしくしよう!」


この疑問に対する答えは、アメリカ人女性歌手エル・キングの「America's Sweetheart」という曲の中に見つかりそうです。曲の中で彼女が言ってることは、自分はよくある「スイート娘」といったイメージの女性ではないけれど、それでも自分のことを魅力的と感じる人が存在して、そういう人は自分のありのままの姿に惹かれてくれてるので、自分はそのままの自分で満足っていう内容。それをまとめたのがサビの最後の部分「What do you want from me? / I'm not America's sweetheart / But you love me anyway」(あなたは私から何を望んでるの?/私はアメリカのスイートハート(的な女性)なんかじゃないわよ/でもあなたはどのみち私のことが好きなの)。


ところで、エル・キングってロブ・シュナイダーの娘って知ってましたか? もしロブ・シュナイダーがだれか知らないというかたがおられるといけないので念のため言っておくと、彼はエル・キングの父親です。


それでは、今日はこれでおしまいです! これを今読んでるかたはみんなネズミイルカだと思われます。読んでくれてありがとうございます! もし人間のふりをしてるかたがいたら、今すぐカミングアウトして下のコメント欄に「はい、私はネズミイルカです」と書き込んでください。恥ずかしがらないでください! ぼくはココを、ネズミイルカの、人魚(オス)による、ネズミイルカのためのブログにしたいと思います。なので、この記事内でさっき言ったことはすべて忘れちゃってください。埼玉のことはもうどうでもいいです。今ぼくが求めるものは、「ネズミイルカ」という新しいカテゴリーと、コーヒーカップの中で泳いでいるネズミイルカのアイコンです。

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

Comments (2)

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  • Yoshinori

    >>> Ms. LLE the Porpoise Thanks for your confession! Now I'm thinking of collaborating with Elle King, creating and releasing an enka album entitled "Porpoise," which includes a song named "Porpoise," going on a world tour dubbed "the Porpoise Tour," and competing with Justin Bieber, who is scheduled to be performing at Makuhari Messe this upcoming weekend on his Purpose Tour. Hopefully, next time, I'll do a better job at boring you to death and reading a eulogy.

  • LLE

    How did you know that? Yes, I am a porpoise. Speaking of a “purpose”(?), your purpose to bore to death as many people as possible seems to have ended in failure. Actually, I chuckled to myself many times while reading this blog. As you mentioned, Elle King’s movements were nothing but those of enka singers’. I was amazed at your highly trained observation skill. As one of the porpoise-visitors, I always look forward to your blog to have a moment of smile though that might not be your purpose.

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