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Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 35 minutes
Message from tutor
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 15 minutes
Can be customized as per your need.
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 50 minutes
Message from tutor
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 5 minutes
Let's have a free conversation in Korean :) (Camera OFF is OK)
Message from tutor
우리 함께 재미있게 한국어를 배워 볼까요? :-) 一緒に楽しく韓国語を学んでみましょうか?:-) (カメラoffもok) ネイバーブログの韓国語->オススメです!
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 55 minutes
Message from tutor
Hello there! Please reach out to me for an engaging English lesson. I teach both adult and children learners, see you in class
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 0 minutes
Let's have a free conversation in Korean :-) (Camera OFF is OK)
Message from tutor
우리 함께 재미있게 한국어를 배워 볼까요? :-) 一緒に楽しく韓国語を学んでみましょうか?:-) (カメラoffもok) ネイバーブログの韓国語->オススメです!
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 15 minutes
It is a lesson where you can learn information or words on the topic you want by watching Naver blogs and correct your pronunciation by reading them together.(Camera can be turned off)
Message from tutor
우리 함께 재미있게 한국어를 배워 볼까요? :-) 一緒に楽しく韓国語を学んでみましょうか?:-) (カメラoffもok) ネイバーブログの韓国語->オススメです!
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 15 minutes
あなたの すきな ことを きがるに はなそう♪ 用日語談談你喜歡什麼♪Let's talk about what you like in Japanese♪
Message from tutor
※「No Feedback」レッスンは、チャットボックスの中に、単語や文法の訂正を、多めに入力します。カメラOFFにしたい人は、言ってくださいね。リラックスして、お話しましょう。おまちしています♪
Accepting new requests for the next 45 minutes
This is a quick conversation :) It should be interesting!
Message from tutor
Hello! Let's speak English
Accepting new requests for the next 30 minutes
Suitable for both Intermediate and Advanced level
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 50 minutes
Message from tutor
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 5 minutes
Message from tutor
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 30 minutes
To know about you and your goal.
Accepting new requests for the next 3 hours and 0 minutes
A dedo, Colectivo, tren y mas....
Message from tutor
Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 35 minutes
Message from tutor
Hello there! Please reach out to me for an engaging English lesson. I teach both adult and children learners, see you in class
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 45 minutes
Message from tutor
Accepting new requests for the next 2 hours and 35 minutes
※フィードバックはありません。チャットボックスで、単語や文法の指導を多めにします。我不提供反饋。使用聊天框提供更多詞彙和文法指導。I don't give feedback, I just give lots of vocabulary and grammar guidance in the chat box.
Message from tutor
※「No Feedback」レッスンは、チャットボックスの中に、単語や文法の訂正を、多めに入力します。カメラOFFにしたい人は、言ってくださいね。リラックスして、お話しましょう。おまちしています♪
Accepting new requests for the next 40 minutes
Conversa y aprende a viajar usando la lengua española
Message from tutor
Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 35 minutes
Message from tutor
Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 35 minutes
※フィードバックはありません。チャットボックスで、単語や文法の指導を多めにします。我不提供反饋。使用聊天框提供更多詞彙和文法指導。I don't give feedback, I just give lots of vocabulary and grammar guidance in the chat box.
Message from tutor
※「No Feedback」レッスンは、チャットボックスの中に、単語や文法の訂正を、多めに入力します。カメラOFFにしたい人は、言ってくださいね。リラックスして、お話しましょう。おまちしています♪
Accepting new requests for the next 45 minutes
Conversation is fun and it will improve your English. Let's have a chat and then review :)
Message from tutor
Hello! Let's speak English
Accepting new requests for the next 20 minutes
Let's talk about your subject of interest while learning everyday vocabulary
Message from tutor
Hello there! Please reach out to me for an engaging English lesson. I teach both adult and children learners, see you in class
Accepting new requests for the next hour and 45 minutes
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