Let's have a chat about your needs analysis of English, Spanish, Mandarin learning journey.
**新生限定 New Students Only
想要在聽課前讓老師了解您目前的需求 / 語言程度嗎?
Would you like to learn English, Spanish or (Taiwanese) Mandarin?
Would you like to let the teacher understand your needs and language level in advance?
Let's chat for 15 mins to get familiar with each other.
** 英文課程
1. 引導式英語口説
(1) 議題卡 (問答Q&A)
(2) 提供回答範例
(3) 強調口說模板句型 / 搭配詞語 / 恰當表達詞語
(4) 講師自編簡報,不需要買教材
2. 從0開始學英文文法句型 (CEFR 0~B2)
(1) 根據學員程度決定使用哪一套教材
A. 初級文法句型 (CEFR 0~A2):共34課
B. 中級~中高級文法句型 (CEFR B1~B2):共46課
(2) 紮實學習,講師具備「語言學」、「文法教學」專長,
3. 初級英文1-2000 單字 (CEFR 0 ~ A2)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
4. 中級英文2001-4000 單字 (CEFR B1)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
5. 中高級英文4001-6000 單字 (CEFR B2)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
6. 從新多益 (New TOEIC)聽力學口說
(1) 詳細檢討新多益聽力題目
(2) 詳細講解音檔逐字稿,並立即汲取實用口說模板句型
(3) 立即開口練習英文口說
7. 從新多益 (New TOEIC)閱讀學寫作
(1) 詳細檢討新多益閱讀題目
(2) 詳細精讀閱讀題,並立即汲取實用寫作模板句型
(3) 立即練習造句和寫作
8. 全方位英文
(1) 適合想要全方位學習英文的人
(2) 適合想要混搭上述英文課程的人 (混搭不包含哈利波特和漫畫課程)
9. 英文微課程 15 mins
(1) 適合生活忙碌,但想學習上述我所開數的英文課程的人
(2) 可以把這堂課想成是上述英文課程的15分鐘版本的課程
10. 看哈利波特電影學英文
(1) 一起欣賞哈利波特電影,並隨時停下學習電影對白的英文單字、片語、口説模板句型
(2) 強調立即練習,開口套用所學的新單字、片語、口說模板句型
(3) 建議從哈利波特電影第一集開始學習 (因為電影對白最生活化)
11. 看漫畫學英文
(1) 因學習英文的考量,目前僅提供較適合學英文的漫畫《ReLIFE 重返17歲》以及
《Blue Hearts》2部漫畫當作課程教材 (不需購買)
(2) 課堂上將詳細討論漫畫中的單字、片語、句型等
(3) 立即練習新學的英文單字、片語、句型等
★★ 英文課程包
1. 英文 25 mins × 3堂 = 3000點
2. 英文 25 mins × 4堂 = 4000點
3. 英文 25 mins ×10堂 = 9500點
4. 英文 50 mins × 3堂 = 6000點
5. 英文 50 mins ×5堂 = 9500點
** 西班牙文課程
1. 全方位基礎西班牙文
(1) 強調功能導向學習,一目瞭然新學的文法句型可以用在哪個生活情境
(2) 適合零基礎~初級 (0~ CEFR A2)程度學員
(3) 講師自編簡報,不需要買教材
2. 從0開始學西班牙文初級閱讀
(1) 適合想透過閱讀學習單字、用法、句型的人
(2) 想要練習朗讀閱讀文本的人
3. 從0開始學初級西班牙文單字 (0 ~ CEFR A2)
(1) 適合想系統化學習單字的字首字根、用法、例句等
(2) 想要藉由學單字造句的人
** 台灣華語課程 Taiwanese Mandarin Courses
1. Let's Learn Taiwanese Mandarin from Dramas
(1) The course is perfect for those who have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 4~6級
(1) Let's have a chat with the teacher, whose mother tongue is (Taiwanese)
(2) I will correct your unnatural words and send you the natural ones during
the session.
3. Let's make sentences in Mandarin
(1) The course will teach you a few Mandarin expressions, ranging from idioms (慣用語、成語), slangs (流行語), etc.
(2) You are encouraged to make sentences covered the expressions we learned during the session.
4. Let's Learn (Taiwanese) Mandarin Reading
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band A 2 級(基礎級)~Band C or
HSK 2~6級.
5. Let's read the comics in Mandarin
(1) The course is perfect for those who have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 4~6級
(1) This is an offline course.
(2) Please send me your diary via Skype.
(3) You will receive my feedback within 48 hours.
Please fee free to book the co nsulting course directly.
想要在聽課前讓老師了解您目前的需求 / 語言程度嗎?
Would you like to learn English, Spanish or (Taiwanese) Mandarin?
Would you like to let the teacher understand your needs and language level in advance?
Let's chat for 15 mins to get familiar with each other.
** 英文課程
1. 引導式英語口説
(1) 議題卡 (問答Q&A)
(2) 提供回答範例
(3) 強調口說模板句型 / 搭配詞語 / 恰當表達詞語
(4) 講師自編簡報,不需要買教材
2. 從0開始學英文文法句型 (CEFR 0~B2)
(1) 根據學員程度決定使用哪一套教材
A. 初級文法句型 (CEFR 0~A2):共34課
B. 中級~中高級文法句型 (CEFR B1~B2):共46課
(2) 紮實學習,講師具備「語言學」、「文法教學」專長,
3. 初級英文1-2000 單字 (CEFR 0 ~ A2)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
4. 中級英文2001-4000 單字 (CEFR B1)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
5. 中高級英文4001-6000 單字 (CEFR B2)
(1) 強調音節 / 字首字根字尾 / 搭配詞語 / 用法 / 例句講解
(2) 立即練習造句
6. 從新多益 (New TOEIC)聽力學口說
(1) 詳細檢討新多益聽力題目
(2) 詳細講解音檔逐字稿,並立即汲取實用口說模板句型
(3) 立即開口練習英文口說
7. 從新多益 (New TOEIC)閱讀學寫作
(1) 詳細檢討新多益閱讀題目
(2) 詳細精讀閱讀題,並立即汲取實用寫作模板句型
(3) 立即練習造句和寫作
8. 全方位英文
(1) 適合想要全方位學習英文的人
(2) 適合想要混搭上述英文課程的人 (混搭不包含哈利波特和漫畫課程)
9. 英文微課程 15 mins
(1) 適合生活忙碌,但想學習上述我所開數的英文課程的人
(2) 可以把這堂課想成是上述英文課程的15分鐘版本的課程
10. 看哈利波特電影學英文
(1) 一起欣賞哈利波特電影,並隨時停下學習電影對白的英文單字、片語、口説模板句型
(2) 強調立即練習,開口套用所學的新單字、片語、口說模板句型
(3) 建議從哈利波特電影第一集開始學習 (因為電影對白最生活化)
11. 看漫畫學英文
(1) 因學習英文的考量,目前僅提供較適合學英文的漫畫《ReLIFE 重返17歲》以及
《Blue Hearts》2部漫畫當作課程教材 (不需購買)
(2) 課堂上將詳細討論漫畫中的單字、片語、句型等
(3) 立即練習新學的英文單字、片語、句型等
★★ 英文課程包
1. 英文 25 mins × 3堂 = 3000點
2. 英文 25 mins × 4堂 = 4000點
3. 英文 25 mins ×10堂 = 9500點
4. 英文 50 mins × 3堂 = 6000點
5. 英文 50 mins ×5堂 = 9500點
** 西班牙文課程
1. 全方位基礎西班牙文
(1) 強調功能導向學習,一目瞭然新學的文法句型可以用在哪個生活情境
(2) 適合零基礎~初級 (0~ CEFR A2)程度學員
(3) 講師自編簡報,不需要買教材
2. 從0開始學西班牙文初級閱讀
(1) 適合想透過閱讀學習單字、用法、句型的人
(2) 想要練習朗讀閱讀文本的人
3. 從0開始學初級西班牙文單字 (0 ~ CEFR A2)
(1) 適合想系統化學習單字的字首字根、用法、例句等
(2) 想要藉由學單字造句的人
** 台灣華語課程 Taiwanese Mandarin Courses
1. Let's Learn Taiwanese Mandarin from Dramas
(1) The course is perfect for those who have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 4~6級
(他の国での学習時間が720~1920時間の方 / 台湾での中国語学習時間が360~960時間の人 /2,000~5,000語の語彙を備える人 )
(2) The course will be taught in 90%~100% (Taiwanese) Mandarin.
(3) We will practice the new expressions / formulaic sequences at once so as to transform the output into the intake and then process input successfully.
2. (Taiwanese) Mandarin Free Talk 15 mins(2) The course will be taught in 90%~100% (Taiwanese) Mandarin.
(3) We will practice the new expressions / formulaic sequences at once so as to transform the output into the intake and then process input successfully.
(1) Let's have a chat with the teacher, whose mother tongue is (Taiwanese)
(2) I will correct your unnatural words and send you the natural ones during
the session.
3. Let's make sentences in Mandarin
(1) The course will teach you a few Mandarin expressions, ranging from idioms (慣用語、成語), slangs (流行語), etc.
(2) You are encouraged to make sentences covered the expressions we learned during the session.
4. Let's Learn (Taiwanese) Mandarin Reading
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band A 2 級(基礎級)~Band C or
HSK 2~6級.
(2) The course will be taught in 60%-100% (Taiwanese) Mandarin
5. Let's read the comics in Mandarin
(1) The course is perfect for those who have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 4~6級
(2) The course will be taught in 90%~100% (Taiwanese) Mandarin.
(3) We will practice the new expressions / formulaic sequences at once so as to transform the output into the intake and then process input successfully.
6. Let's Learn (Taiwanese) Mandarin from Brief History Book
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Taiwanese Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 3~6級.
(2) It is a perfect course for those who are eager to learn culture(s) and history.
7. Let's Learn Mandarin from Popular Songs
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band A 2 級(基礎級)~Band C or
HSK 2~6級.
(2) The lyrics may cover numerous popular expressions.
8. Keep your diary in (Taiwanese) Mandarin(3) We will practice the new expressions / formulaic sequences at once so as to transform the output into the intake and then process input successfully.
6. Let's Learn (Taiwanese) Mandarin from Brief History Book
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Taiwanese Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band B or HSK 3~6級.
(2) It is a perfect course for those who are eager to learn culture(s) and history.
7. Let's Learn Mandarin from Popular Songs
(1) It is perfect for those who are interested in Mandarin and have acquired good proficiency in Chinese with TOCFL Band A 2 級(基礎級)~Band C or
HSK 2~6級.
(2) The lyrics may cover numerous popular expressions.
(1) This is an offline course.
(2) Please send me your diary via Skype.
(3) You will receive my feedback within 48 hours.
Please fee free to book the co nsulting course directly.
If you are undergoing medical treatment, recuperating from an illness, have been diagnosed with mental health issues, or if you are pregnant, please consult with a medical professional before taking a lesson.
Cafetalk Rücktrittsregelung
Vor der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung
- Stornierung jederzeit möglich
Nach der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung
- Mehr als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornierung jederzeit möglich
- Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
(Der Betrag kann je nach TutorIn variieren. Bitte nimm Kontakt mit Deiner Tutorin/ Deinem Tutor auf.)
Alle Kurse von dieser/m TutorIn
(Taiwanese) Mandarin Free Talk 15 mins
Let's have a chat with a native speaker (Mandarin as his L1)15 Min. 600P -
General English ×10
Let's learn English from various topics. (including listening, reading, oral speaking and writing)25 Min. X 10 10,000PPaket mit 10 Kursen -