God loved you before you were born
Do you want to talk about Christianity? Do you have any questions?
What's in the Bible? Let's delve into this really cool book. You may just be suprised what you find in there. And no... Christianity is not a religion. It is a RELATIONSHIP with the creator of the universe.
Anyone is welcome here.
Thank you
Do you want to talk about Christianity? Do you have any questions?
What's in the Bible? Let's delve into this really cool book. You may just be suprised what you find in there. And no... Christianity is not a religion. It is a RELATIONSHIP with the creator of the universe.
Anyone is welcome here.
Thank you
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Phonics and basic vocabulary - フォニックスと基本的な語彙 - Phonique et vocabulaire de base
How to pronounce English letters - 英語の発音 - Comment prononcer les lettres anglaises50分 1,500P -