This is a great lesson if you want to learn phrases that you can use when you're travelling!
When you travel abroad, chances are you'll need to use English to communicate. In this lesson, we'll go over some useful English expressions which you can use when you travel! Through simulation, you'll be able to learn the phrases quickly! Now let's enjoy travelling!
海外旅行に行って、英語を使う場合が多いです。その場で、これはどう言うかな、もっと話せればよかった、との思いはありませんか?No problem! このレッスンで様々な場合(空港、バス、ホテル、店、レストラン等々)で使う英語を勉強します!レッスン中に、ロールプレイもしますので、ロールプレイを通じて、学んだ単語やフレーズをどんどん使ってみましょう!
去海外旅行時, 大部分的時候都需要靠英語溝通。在這個課程中, 您會學到許多在旅行時實用的英語。我們會透過模擬方式, 讓您可以更快速地記起這些實用的句子!
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1-24時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Counselling Session
This is a counselling session for students who do not know which lessons to take.15分 500P -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Advanced)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for advanced learners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Intermediate)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for intermediate learners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Beginner)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for beginners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
疲れやストレスを感じていませんか?忙しい毎日から解放されたいと思っていませんか?楽しい話し相手をお探しなら、こちらがあなたにぴったりです!どんなことでも話していただけます!30分 1,500P -
Quick Chat in English
Feeling tired or stressed? Want to take a break from your busy life? If you're looking for someone fun to talk to, this is the one for YOU! You can talk about anything you want!15分 700P -
Quick Chat in Mandarin
Come in for a quick chat in Mandarin! Whether you're just starting to learn Mandarin, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!15分 700P -
Quick Chat in Japanese
Come in for a quick chat in Japanese! Whether you're just starting to learn Japanese, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!15分 700P -
IELTS Speaking
In this lesson, we'll learn the techniques to tackle the IELTS Speaking test.35分 2,400P -
This is a great opportunity for students who do not have the chance to practice English outside school.35分 1,800P -
"中・高校生英会話! "
This is a great opportunity for students who do not have the chance to practice English outside school.30分 1,600P -
Mandarin (Chinese) Lesson
Whether you're just starting to learn Mandarin, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!35分 1,800P -
Interview in English! 英語で面接!
In this lesson, we'll get you ready and prepared for the upcoming interviews!35分 2,000P -