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Lesson Pack: Irish Myths and Legends

25 X 10
10,000 ポイント
1回あたり 1,000 ポイント
Reading and discussion lesson. Learn about my favourite Irish myths and legends.


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Once upon a time, someone wanted to know about fairy tales from Ireland. Hopefully, that someone is you. Before we talk about Irish fairy tales, though, we have to understand what a fairy tale actually is.
A fairy tale is usually thought of as a children’s story. Fairy tales often feature magical and mystical creatures. Lots of fairy tales have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Some of the stories we’re going to discuss might also be classed as myths or legends. A legend is a story thought to be based on real events, but over time fictional things have been added on. Legends are very important to different cultures. Myths are similar, but they also tend to involve a lesson that the reader or listener will benefit from.

Ireland has a very rich and important history of fascinating stories, so let’s learn about some! In this course, some of the stories we will read include:

The Children of Lir
This story tells the tale of King Lir, who had four children with his wife. Sadly, the King’s wife passed away, and the King remarried. The King’s new wife, Aoife, was jealous of how much Lir loved his children, and wanted to get rid of them, so she turned them into swans! What happened to the Children of Lir and their wicked step-mother?

How did Setanta Become Cúchulainn?
Setanta lived in County Louth. Setanta really wanted to go to a special training school in Armagh. At this school, boys were trained to be soldiers. The king of Ulster ran the school. How did Setanta rise to become the personal guard of the King of Ulster?

Fionn and the Salmon of Knowledge
Finnéigeas, a wise poet, lived beside the River Boyne. In this river, was a magical salmon. Finnéigeas knew that the fish would grant the gift of wisdom if he tasted its flesh after catching it. With hours of work, and help from Fionn Mac Cumhail; his poetry and writing apprentice, he was able to catch the Salmon of Knowledge! What happened next?

Tír na nÓg
Have you heard the story of Tír na nÓg? Tír na nÓg is also known as the land of eternal youth, as no one there ever grows old. Oisín, son of warrior leader Fionn mac Cumhaill, fell in love with Niamh, princess of Tír na nÓg. Oisín and Niamh lived happily in the land of eternal youth, until one day Oisín missed Ireland and his family and decided to return to visit them. What happened when Oisín decided to return to Ireland?

Stories in this course:
1. Introduction to Irish Myths and Legends
2. The Children of Lir
3. How Setanta Became Cú Chulainn
4. The Brown Bull of Cooley
5. Deirdre of Sorrows
6. Fionn and the Salmon of Knowledge
7. Fionn and the Fianna
8. Diarmuid and Grainne
9. Fionn and the Hunt of Slieve Gullion
10. Tír na nÓg

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