Business lessons for CEOs, managers, team leaders and entrepreneurs
1回あたり 2,100 ポイント
Let's discuss the latest trends on business while learning English! Check oue the lesson list, ask me for more details and I will send you each lesson's description.
これは合計4回のパックレッスンです。初回のリクエスト確定時に、全回数分のポイントが消費されると同時に、残り3 回分の「100%OFFクーポン」が自動発行されます。パックレッスンの2回目以降はそのクーポンをご利用でリクエストしてください。なお、初回レッスン日から30日以内に全てのレッスンを受講頂くようお願いします。
How to work with people who get under your skin
Side hustles
Would you like to work a four-day week?
Business case study
A good leader…
Universal basic income
The stories of famous entrepreneurs
How to master working from home
Functional language for online meetings
How to be more productive at work
Lessons in success from those you admire
How to make faster decisions
Workplace ghosting
Workplace Stress Management lesson plan
Business trends and fads
How bosses demoralize their employees
The single biggest reason why startups succeed
Why you should know how much your co-workers get paid
How to spot a misleading graph
Online vs traditional shopping (e-commerce vocabulary)
How to lead a successful global team (+ business idioms)
The history and future of online advertising
Know your FinTech buzzwords
How to ask for a raise? (negotiation phrases)
How to nail that presentation
カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー
• 「未開始」のパック(1) はいつでもキャンセルが可能です。キャンセルされた場合、ポイントは全額返却されます。
※1 初回を含めて1度も確定されていないレッスンパックは「未開始」と表示されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。
• パック全てではなく、パックに属する一つのリクエストのみキャンセルされたい場合は、通常のリクエストと同様、リクエスト詳細ページから可能です。その場合、講師の単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーに従い、リクエスト時に使用されたクーポンが返却、もしくは消費されます。講師による単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーで定められている50%の一部返金については、レッスンパックには適用されず、講師がクーポンの返却、もしくはクーポンの消費のいずれかを選択できます。予めご了承ください。
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
"Cachaste? "チリ人とスペイン語を話すときに必要なフレーズを紹介します!
「わかりました」「ありがとうございます」など、チリの重要なインフォーマルボキャブラリーを学べれるレッスン40分 2,400P -
Sharpen your critical thinking (Advanced lesson)
With this lesson, students evaluate the validity of arguments using the information from a video about logical fallacies. They also practise conjunctions and do a Cambridge CAE Speaking Part 3 activity.85分 4,000P -
Binge watching: Good or bad for you?
Students will learn a lot of advanced vocabulary connected with traditional TV as well as streaming platforms (Netflix and the like), discuss some statistics connected with binge watching as well as express their own preference for watching TV series.70分 2,400P -
Did you pass first time? (Driving and cars lesson for intermediate students))
Let's learn and practise vocabulary related to cars and driving, watch a funny video, do reading comprehension tasks and talk about getting a driving licence in our countries.75分 5,000P -
Has cancel culture gone too far? (Advanced lesson)
Let's discuss freedom of speech in depth.85分 5,000P -
How to start a conversation with a stranger
In this lesson, students learn and create different conversation starters. They also watch a video about a man who talked to 100 strangers and do a role-play activity.75分 2,100P -
Is it true that cat's haven't been domesticated? We'll watch a short video about the history of cats and humans and discuss how important our feline little friends are for us.45分 2,500P -
What makes you employable? (advanced business lesson)
Let's talk about professional skills and what it takes to get that job. Lesson based on two videos: the first one shows a group of professionals answering the question about employability and the second one is a short interview with Tony Walker, Deputy MD60分 2,400P -
Is being creative enough to succeed in innovation? (Advanced lesson - read at home/speak in class)
Let's discuss the article "The Surprising Psychology of Innovation" by Eric Haseltine Ph.D. and learn advanced phrases, practice word formation and reflect on what it takes to succeed in innovation.40分 1,500P -
The best food is in… (Easy - speaking)
This lesson includes food-related words and a lot of activities for talking about food. You will also watch a video about dishes from different countries and discuss our eating preferences.60分 2,100P -
Read at home, talk in class!
What do the experts say about the world around us? Do you agree with them?Take a look at the articles in the description, read them at home and let's discuss your favourites in 30 minutes lessons.30分 1,500P -
Venting: get it out of your chest.
Is there something bothering you? I can give you advice or I can just lend an ear.15分 600P -
Conversación libre! Practica español con un hablante nativo
Hablemos de lo que mas te interesa y recibe retroalimentación para seguir mejorando.15分 600P