Latest request: 9 days ago
Pack of 4
750 Points per lesson
Lesson Pack Details
This is a 4-lesson pack. You will be issued 3 “coupons” when the first request is confirmed. You will be able to use these coupons for subsequent requests in the pack. Please note that all requests related to this pack must be taken within 60 days of the first lesson date.
Lessons should generally be booked chronologically, meaning that the second lesson should be booked after the first, and so on.
Lessons should generally be booked chronologically, meaning that the second lesson should be booked after the first, and so on.
Cafetalk's cancellation policy
Cancellation of pack lessons
• 'Unstarted' lesson packs(1) can be cancelled any time. Used Points will be completely refunded. If a 'started' lesson pack(2) is cancelled, you will be refunded 50% of the price of the remaining lessons provided that the lessons are unrequested, unconfirmed or not within 24 hours of their scheduled start times.
(1) A lesson pack for which none of the requests have been confirmed by the tutor.
(2) A lesson pack with at least one confirmed request. (By confirming the date and time for the first lesson in the pack the tutor confirms the pack as a whole and coupons are automatically issued)
(2) A lesson pack with at least one confirmed request. (By confirming the date and time for the first lesson in the pack the tutor confirms the pack as a whole and coupons are automatically issued)
Cancelling individual requests in a pack
• If you wish to cancel a single lesson that belongs to a pack but not the whole pack, you can do so via the request page. In this case, the coupon used to book the lesson will either be refunded or collected, based on the tutors single-lesson cancellation policy. Please note that any 50% partial refunds in the tutors single-lesson cancellation policy do not apply to lesson packs and the tutor may choose to either refund or collect the coupon in those cases.
Before request is confirmed (fixed)
- Cancellation possible at any time without charge.
After request is confirmed (fixed)
- More than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ Cancellation is possible at any time.
- Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
No-Show→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
(Please check with the tutor for details.)
Lessons by this tutor
1ヶ月15回の本気痩せを希望の方に、是非お申込み頂きたいプランです。 30分と言う短い時間ですが、ターゲットを絞ってやりますので、効く〜と感じて頂けるトレーニングプランを用意しています。 有酸素無酸素の運動をし、タムレ、オリ(タヒチアンダンス)で最後までエネルギーを使い、脂肪燃焼をするコース。 痩せる人この指とーまれ。30min X 15 25,000PPack of 15 -
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