Know more about Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines.
Culture, food, events, weather, and people.
Do you know anything about Baguio City? Baguio City is located in the Province of Benguet. Benguet is just one of the provinces that makes up the Cordillera Autonomous Region or simply CAR. Now, CAR is located in the Northern part of the Philippines.
Let's learn about their culture, food, weather, events, and people.
Let's learn about their culture, food, weather, events, and people.
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Enriching your vocabulary
Learn new words today. Let's practice using them in a sentence.45分 1,300P -
Love or Career?
Which one will you choose? FREE TALK. Let's have a discussion, or even a simple conversation about this.30分 900P体験あり -
Basic conversation. A topic of your choice.
A topic of your choice. Example: "The Jolly Postman", "Snow White", your day, your family20分 700P -
Tell me something about yourself
Free talk. You can tell me anything about yourself. This way, we can practice your speaking skills, and your confidence as well.25分 900P