French lesson (adults) No 2: Greetings! How are you today?

1,400 ポイント
How are you today? I am doing good/bad Comment vas-tu? Je vais bien/mal


- In this lesson, students will learn how to express how to express how they feel. In the French language there are two ways to express how you feel which will be covered in this lesson:

Comment vas-tu? How are you? (polite form for young people)
Je vais bien/mal I am good/bad

Comment allez-vous? How are you (respective form or elderly people)
Je vais bien/mal I am good/bad

Comment ça va? How is it going? (informal form)
Ça va bien/mal It is going good/bad

Ça va? How is it going? (informal form)

Ça va bien/mal It is going good/bad

- Students will also learn the conjugations of the two main verbs AVOIR (to have) and ÊTRE (to be).

ÊTRE                                        AVOIR
je/ suis                                     j'ai
tu es                                        tu as
il, elle, est                                il/elle a
noussommes                           nous allons
vousêtes                                 vous avez
ils, elles sont                            ils/elles ont

- Students will also learn numbers from 1-20
- Exercises and practice



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