Latest request: More than 1 month ago
Japonês para Brasileiros (Mini)
Pack of 4
1,075 Points per lesson
Ideal para pessoas ocupadas ou que preferem estudar mais no intervalo entre aulas.
Lesson Pack Details
This is a 4-lesson pack. You will be issued 3 “coupons” when the first request is confirmed. You will be able to use these coupons for subsequent requests in the pack. Please note that all requests related to this pack must be taken within 90 days of the first lesson date.
Lessons should generally be booked chronologically, meaning that the second lesson should be booked after the first, and so on.
Lessons should generally be booked chronologically, meaning that the second lesson should be booked after the first, and so on.
Olá! Aqui é o curso "Japonês para Brasileiros (Mini)". É a mesma coisa que "Japonês para Brasileiros" mas a sessão tem duração de 25 minutos. Fique à vontade para tirar suas dúvidas.
Modalità di cancellazione di Cafetalk
Cancellation of pack lessons
• 'Unstarted' lesson packs(1) can be cancelled any time. Used Points will be completely refunded. If a 'started' lesson pack(2) is cancelled, you will be refunded 50% of the price of the remaining lessons provided that the lessons are unrequested, unconfirmed or not within 24 hours of their scheduled start times.
(1) A lesson pack for which none of the requests have been confirmed by the tutor.
(2) A lesson pack with at least one confirmed request. (By confirming the date and time for the first lesson in the pack the tutor confirms the pack as a whole and coupons are automatically issued)
(2) A lesson pack with at least one confirmed request. (By confirming the date and time for the first lesson in the pack the tutor confirms the pack as a whole and coupons are automatically issued)
Cancelling individual requests in a pack
• If you wish to cancel a single lesson that belongs to a pack but not the whole pack, you can do so via the request page. In this case, the coupon used to book the lesson will either be refunded or collected, based on the tutors single-lesson cancellation policy. Please note that any 50% partial refunds in the tutors single-lesson cancellation policy do not apply to lesson packs and the tutor may choose to either refund or collect the coupon in those cases.
Prima che la richiesta sia confermata (fissata)
- La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)
- Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
- Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
(Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)
Le sue lezioni
Support for Translators (EN, DE, JP→BR)
Support for translators who need translation reviews from English, German, and Japanese to Brazilian Portuguese.50min 1,500P -
ブラジル人生徒のガイダンス / Aconselhamento para Estudantes Brasileiros
来日ブラジル人学生(小・中・高・大)向けの総合的なガイダンス (Orientação abrangente para estudantes brasileiros (ensino fundamental, médio, médio, universitário) que vêm ao Japão.)50min 4,000P -
ボサノヴァ入門 / Introduction to Bossa Nova
Learn the meaning of the song words and how to sing / 歌詞の意味や歌い方を学びましょう。50min 5,000P -
Japanese for English Speakers (Mini)
Learn the Japanese language once and for all!30min X 4 3,100PPack of 4 -
Japanese for English Speakers
Learn the Japanese language once and for all!50min X 4 9,000PPack of 4 -
Mini Introduction to Python Programming / ミニPythonプログラミング入門
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons / 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為30min X 4 4,600PPack of 4 -
Introduction to Python Programming / Pythonプログラミング入門
Pythonプログラムを作ろう!/ Let's do Python programming!50min X 4 8,800PPack of 4 -
Introduction to C Programing / C言語プログラミング入門
Let's Learn Language C! / C言語を学ぼう!50min X 4 8,800PPack of 4 -
Mini German Conversation / Mini Deutsche Konversation
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
German Conversation / Deutsche Konversation
Ja, wir reden Deutsch! Yes, we speak German!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Einführung in die Deutsche Komposition / ドイツ語作文
Ja, wir schreiben Deutsch! / ドイツ語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Mini Conversação em Português (BR) / ポルトガル語会話 (伯)
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
Conversação em Português (BR) / Portuguese Conversation (BR)
Let's talk in Brazilian Portuguese! Vamos falar em português brasileiro!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Introdução à Composição em Português / ポルトガル語の作文
Vamos Escrever em Português! / ポルトガル語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Introdução à Composição em Português (Mini) / ポルトガル語の作文 (ミニ)
Vamos Escrever em Português! / ポルトガル語で書きましょう!25min 4,000P -
Mini English Conversation / ミニ英会話
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
Introduction to English Composition / 英作文入門
Let's write in English! / 英語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
面 談 / Consultation
You can choose to have this consultation, in order to discuss your goals, interests, and material. 目的、興味、教科書などについてお話するのは、この面談を使用しても良いです。20min 1,000P