Wendy E 澳洲喜鵲「MP」-嚴格來說不是寵物,但牠美麗的姿態會一直活在我心中
上次授課:超過 1 個月前


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25 分鐘
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Improve your English vocabulary and learn about this amazing species of bird at the same time.


Please join me for a fun and informative lesson as I share with you the story of "MP", one very special Australian magpie.  Learn all about this beautiful species of bird, (one bird in particular) and improve your vocabulary and knowledge about Australian wildlife at the same time.

I never knew that I could be so attached to a little bird, a wild bird, a bird that came into our lives, touched our hearts and brought us joy and happiness at a time when we needed it the most.

Australian magpies are an incredibly intelligent species of bird, with a number of abilites that may surprise you.  They can outsmart scientists, defeat technology, recognise individual human faces, (and in my opinion detect your feelings and possibly read your mind, but maybe "mine" just has me "wrapped around her little finger" (claw)).  Some people fear magpies because of their reputation for "swooping" during nesting season, however, as you will learn when you take my lesson, there is more to these truly amazing birds than the sometimes nasty and unfair news headlines.

I look forward to sharing with you my first-hand experience with "MP", her mate "JB" and her offspring "youngster" as well as some information revealed in various studies that proves the talent and intelligence and fun personalities of these birds.

Animals, whether they are pets or wildlife, can bring joy and comfort to people's lives.

I absolutely love talking about animals, any type of animal, but especially about Australian wildlife.  So, whether you'd like to learn more about magpies, like "MP" or another Aussie animal, book a lesson with me soon and feel free to let me know about your favourite creatures or your own pets.  If there are any other animals that you would like to learn more about, just let me know.

Please let me know when you book your lesson, if you are an adult or a child and give me an idea of your English level, so that I can try to cater to your level.  

Do you ever wish that you could hop like a kangaroo, swim like a bottlenose dolphin, soar like an eagle, laugh like a kookaburra, hibernate like a bear or sing like a magpie ?

I look forward to meeting you.



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Wendy E


週一 07:00   08:00
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週二 13:00 週三 08:00
週三 13:00 週四 08:00
週四 13:00 週五 08:00
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週日 13:00 週一 07:00
※ 以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。
25 分鐘
1,300 點

Wendy E

