Vamos Escrever em Português! / ポルトガル語で書きましょう!
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- Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
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Lessons by this tutor
Support for Translators (EN, DE, JP→BR)
Support for translators who need translation reviews from English, German, and Japanese to Brazilian Portuguese.50min 1,500P -
ブラジル人生徒のガイダンス / Aconselhamento para Estudantes Brasileiros
来日ブラジル人学生(小・中・高・大)向けの総合的なガイダンス (Orientação abrangente para estudantes brasileiros (ensino fundamental, médio, médio, universitário) que vêm ao Japão.)50min 4,000P -
ボサノヴァ入門 / Introduction to Bossa Nova
Learn the meaning of the song words and how to sing / 歌詞の意味や歌い方を学びましょう。50min 5,000P -
Japanese for English Speakers (Mini)
Learn the Japanese language once and for all!30min X 4 3,100PPack of 4 -
Japanese for English Speakers
Learn the Japanese language once and for all!50min X 4 9,000PPack of 4 -
Japonês para Brasileiros (Mini)
Ideal para pessoas ocupadas ou que preferem estudar mais no intervalo entre aulas.30min X 4 4,300PPack of 4 -
Mini Introduction to Python Programming / ミニPythonプログラミング入門
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons / 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為30min X 4 4,600PPack of 4 -
Introduction to Python Programming / Pythonプログラミング入門
Pythonプログラムを作ろう!/ Let's do Python programming!50min X 4 8,800PPack of 4 -
Introduction to C Programing / C言語プログラミング入門
Let's Learn Language C! / C言語を学ぼう!50min X 4 8,800PPack of 4 -
Mini German Conversation / Mini Deutsche Konversation
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
German Conversation / Deutsche Konversation
Ja, wir reden Deutsch! Yes, we speak German!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Einführung in die Deutsche Komposition / ドイツ語作文
Ja, wir schreiben Deutsch! / ドイツ語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Mini Conversação em Português (BR) / ポルトガル語会話 (伯)
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
Conversação em Português (BR) / Portuguese Conversation (BR)
Let's talk in Brazilian Portuguese! Vamos falar em português brasileiro!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Introdução à Composição em Português / ポルトガル語の作文
Vamos Escrever em Português! / ポルトガル語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
Mini English Conversation / ミニ英会話
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為25min X 4 4,000PPack of 4 -
Introduction to English Composition / 英作文入門
Let's write in English! / 英語で書きましょう!50min X 4 8,000PPack of 4 -
面 談 / Consultation
You can choose to have this consultation, in order to discuss your goals, interests, and material. 目的、興味、教科書などについてお話するのは、この面談を使用しても良いです。20min 1,000P