Dr Grant The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (世界人権宣言; 세계인권선언)
直近受講日時: 2日前

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (世界人権宣言; 세계인권선언)

2,200 ポイント
In this lesson we look at the language we use to talk about human rights.


10 December 1948 is one of the most important dates in modern history. On that day, the General Assembly of the United Nations agreed to the contents of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This was the first time that many nations came together to agree about the rights that every human has—wherever he or she lives in the world. Amnesty International describes the Declaration as ‘a global road map for freedom and equality’.

The Declaration is the most translated document in history. You can read it here in English: https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights/universal-declaration/translations/english

You can read it here in Japanese: https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights/universal-declaration/translations/japanese-nihongo

You can read it here in Korean: https://www.ohchr.org/en/human-rights/universal-declaration/translations/korean-hankuko

If you take this lesson, we will talk about the history behind the Declaration. We will also try to answer questions like: ‘What are human rights?’ ‘What do you think are the most important human rights?’ ‘Why does the world need a document like this?’

If you enjoy the first lesson, you can request to take it again and we will look at some of the 30 Articles contained in the Declaration. We can do this over one, two, or even more lessons. This is your choice.

If you still want to discuss this subject, you can request the lesson again. The final lesson is about challenges to the Declaration now.

IMPORTANT: This lesson is not really about politics. It is an opportunity to talk in English about a very important subject. The lesson will help intermediate and advanced students to sharpen their language skills.

I speak clearly and quite slowly. If you understood everything in this description, you will not have difficulty during the lesson (or lessons, if you decide to take the lesson several times).


Picture: Eleanor Roosevelt holds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She was very active in the writing and promotion of this document.

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (世界人権宣言; 세계인권선언)

Dr Grant
