直近受講日時: 26日前

Eiken Lesson Levels 5 to Pre-1

60 X 4
2,000 ポイント
1回あたり 500 ポイント
Eiken fundamentals mastering course for reading, speaking and interview.


これは合計4回のパックレッスンです。初回のリクエスト確定時に、全回数分のポイントが消費されると同時に、残り3 回分の「100%OFFクーポン」が自動発行されます。パックレッスンの2回目以降はそのクーポンをご利用でリクエストしてください。なお、初回レッスン日から30日以内に全てのレッスンを受講頂くようお願いします。



Eiken Online Lesson Plan (30 minutes)
Level: Eiken 5 to Eiken Pre-1 / Beginner to advanced
Method: Presentation Practice Production:
Student will review or be introduced to Eiken vocabulary and related and related sections of the Eiken exam; for example, reading, speaking, interviews. The student will then be encouraged to identify the vocabulary, and sentence structures provided using samples given through worksheets or slide presentation, repeating every word in repetition. Finally, The teacher and student will take part in roll-play, using the vocabulary and sentence structures provided with the freedom to identify other items using the textbook, slides and other inspired vocabulary, time permitting. 
Target Level: This plan can be adjusted for 5 to 1 based on complexity added and resources used.
Topic: For example, topical vocabulary or Reading sample with picture, interview slides 
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to greet someone using appropriate expressions.
Students will be able to introduce themselves, including their name, nationality, and occupation (optional for lower levels).
Students will be able to ask and answer basic questions about someone's name and nationality using online chat or video conferencing tools.
Slide presentations
Shared document or (Google Docs, pdf etc.)
Images or flashcards of people from different countries
Lesson Procedure:
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Begin by greeting the students with a friendly 
depending on the time.
Have students introduce themselves briefly in the chat
Icebreaker game : Play  "raise your hand" or "thumbs up/down" function to answer questions about their prior knowledge of greetings in Japanese.
Presentation (10 minutes):
Use screen sharing to display a slide or document with common greetings used for online introductions. Introduce them verbally, including pronunciation tips:
For example , explain basic self-introduction phrases using text chat or a shared document:
(watashi wa) - I am
(namae wa) - My name is
(desu) - (sentence ending)
(nationality) (kokuseki) hito desu) - I am (nationality). (Optional for higher levels)
(shokugyou wa) - I am a/an (occupation). (Optional for higher levels)
Demonstrate writing a complete self-introduction in the chat or document, emphasizing proper formatting.
Practice (10 minutes): Greeting practice: Instruct students to greet each other in pairs using the chat function, incorporating the learned greetings.
Self-introduction practice: Have students take turns introducing themselves in the chat or through video, stating their name and optionally their nationality and occupation (depending on the level). (This is a general example)
Interview: Using prepared interview cards, practice the format and give assistance on how to answer and the proper interview protocol.
Question practice: Provide students with sentence starters like "名前はなんですか (namae wa nan desu ka)" (What is your name?) in the chat. Encourage them to ask and answer questions about each other's names and nationalities.
Games and activities (5 minutes):
"Find Someone Who...": Create a list of prompts like "Find someone who speaks another language" or "Find someone who has a pet." Students use the chat or video breakout rooms to find classmates who meet the criteria and introduce themselves briefly.
Wrap-up (5 minutes):
Briefly review the key greetings and self-introduction phrases.
Ask students to share their experiences in the lesson using open-ended questions like "Did you find it difficult to introduce yourself online?" or "How can these greetings be helpful in online communication?" “How do feel about having a interview?”
For lower levels, focus on simple vocabulary and basic self-introductions (name only).
For higher levels, introduce more advanced vocabulary, encourage longer conversations, use comprehension of nuances during the practice stage.
Provide appropriate and fun additional support or challenge activities for students.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


• 「未開始」のパック(1) はいつでもキャンセルが可能です。キャンセルされた場合、ポイントは全額返却されます。
※1 初回を含めて1度も確定されていないレッスンパックは「未開始」と表示されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。


• パック全てではなく、パックに属する一つのリクエストのみキャンセルされたい場合は、通常のリクエストと同様、リクエスト詳細ページから可能です。その場合、講師の単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーに従い、リクエスト時に使用されたクーポンが返却、もしくは消費されます。講師による単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーで定められている50%の一部返金については、レッスンパックには適用されず、講師がクーポンの返却、もしくはクーポンの消費のいずれかを選択できます。予めご了承ください。


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。


Chris L.


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Asia/Tokyo 時間で表示。
Eiken Lesson Levels 5 to Pre-1

Chris L.

