This is a great opportunity for students who do not have the chance to practice English outside school.
This is a lesson for junior high school students and high school students. If you find it difficult to practice English in school, why not practice here? :)
Here, you'll be able to talk about anything you like and you won't need to worry about making mistakes. Learning English is supposed to be fun!
学校の英語は文法、書きと読み等を強調するけど、英語はそれだけじゃない!もちろんそれは大事ですが、話す・聞く能力も大事! 外国出身の方を接する時に、英語で話しかけられたら、あなたはどうなりますか?これからパニックにならないよう、簡単な会話から練習をし、スピードが慣れてきたら、英語は簡単です!このレッスンでは、自己紹介から、天気、日常生活、好きなもの、学校のこと、世界のニュースまで、何を話したいのか、あなた次第です!
這項課程是專門為中學生和高中生設計的。在學校或是在外面找不到機會練習英文的學生們, 您可以在此練習! 在這裡, 您不用擔心講錯, 因為那也是一種學習! 最重要的是, 學習英語是一件很快樂的事!
Let's ENJOY English! :)
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1-24時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Counselling Session
This is a counselling session for students who do not know which lessons to take.15分 500P -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Advanced)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for advanced learners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Intermediate)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for intermediate learners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
4-in-1 English Lesson (Beginner)
In this lesson, we'll focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is a great lesson for beginners! This is recommended for adults.35分 X 4 7,500P4回パック -
疲れやストレスを感じていませんか?忙しい毎日から解放されたいと思っていませんか?楽しい話し相手をお探しなら、こちらがあなたにぴったりです!どんなことでも話していただけます!30分 1,500P -
Quick Chat in English
Feeling tired or stressed? Want to take a break from your busy life? If you're looking for someone fun to talk to, this is the one for YOU! You can talk about anything you want!15分 700P -
Quick Chat in Mandarin
Come in for a quick chat in Mandarin! Whether you're just starting to learn Mandarin, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!15分 700P -
Quick Chat in Japanese
Come in for a quick chat in Japanese! Whether you're just starting to learn Japanese, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!15分 700P -
IELTS Speaking
In this lesson, we'll learn the techniques to tackle the IELTS Speaking test.35分 2,400P -
"中・高校生英会話! "
This is a great opportunity for students who do not have the chance to practice English outside school.30分 1,600P -
Mandarin (Chinese) Lesson
Whether you're just starting to learn Mandarin, you've been learning for a while now or you've learned it before but you want to pick it up again, this is the lesson for you!35分 1,800P -
"旅行英語!English for Travelling! "
This is a great lesson if you want to learn phrases that you can use when you're travelling!35分 1,800P -
Interview in English! 英語で面接!
In this lesson, we'll get you ready and prepared for the upcoming interviews!35分 2,000P -