Stress. Acentos y tildes.

65 分鐘
Entonación y cómo acentuar en español


Stress is the entonation used in each syllable of a word.

In spanish there are two main entonations: strong and weak. Easy, right? 

For english speakers: in the english language there are four: Primary, secundary, tertiary and weak. Each on of this correspond two one or the other in spanish. We will se how that works.

For japanese speakers: You'll understand that pronunciation can change drásticly the meaning of a word. But in spanish there's no kanji to tell them apart when written. Thats why we have accent marks.

Main goal: recognize stong accendt from the weak.

1. Example words and written pronunciation.
2. Pronunciation drill

3. La tilde.
3.1. ¿What is it for?
3.2. ¿How to use it?
4. Excercises

5. Palabras agudas, llanas, esdrújulas.
5.1. Types of accent marks.
6. Pronunciation drill
7. How to use each accent mark. Excercises.

8. Palabras sobreesdrújulas
9. Pronunciation drill
10. Excercises.

11. Sumary.


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