Wendy E 澳洲不可思議的動物們(大人小孩皆可參與) 澳洲&紐西蘭特輯
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澳洲不可思議的動物們(大人小孩皆可參與) 澳洲&紐西蘭特輯

25 分鐘
你對澳洲的動物有多少認識呢? 一起認識澳洲動物增加英語字彙量吧!


G’day !
I love all animals, (well almost all of them, I’m not that keen on snakes and spiders) !

So, it’s up to you to choose your favourite Australian animal that you would like to learn more about, because I have so many favourites, that I cannot possibly single out just one.  
I think Australia has some of the most amazing and unique animals in the world. So, whether you’re into mammals, birds, reptiles or even marine life, tell me your favourite, or the one that you’d like to learn more about and I will share my knowledge of these beautiful creatures with you in a way that will not only enhance your vocabulary, your knowledge about the animal, but I’m sure we’ll have some fun along the way too.  
I cannot even narrow it down to my top 10, but I’ll give you some ideas to choose from:
Kookaburras, magpies, cockatoos, emus, cassowaries, fairy penguin (little blue penguin), galahs, Tasmanian devils, dingoes, koalas, kangaroos, tree kangaroos, wallabies, potoroos, quokkas, wombats, numbats, bilbies, bandicoots, sugar gliders, possums, flying foxes, echidnas, platypuses or blue tongue lizards
Did you know ….
that magpies can recognise human faces for up to 5 years?
that a kangaroo can pause her pregnancy ?
the wombat’s scat is an unusual shape?
that wombats have a backwards facing pouch?
that cockatoos can not only open a wheelie bin, but they can teach their friends to do it too?
that marsupials are animals that have a pouch?

that monotremes are special Aussie animals because they’re egg laying mammals ?  There are only two types in the whole world, and both are found in Australia - echidnas and platypuses.

Do you know what the fauna emblem is for each Australian state ?
If you can decide which Australian animal you’d like to learn more about, book a lesson with me and we’ll have some fun learning about some amazing Aussie critters !
When you book, please write a note to let me know if you are an adult or if you are booking for a child, your level of English and which animal you'd like to learn more about. 

If like me, you just can't pick one favourite that's okay too.

See ya soon !



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Wendy E


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澳洲不可思議的動物們(大人小孩皆可參與) 澳洲&紐西蘭特輯
25 分鐘
1,300 點

Wendy E
