Transferring to Thailand: What You Need to Know About Working With Thai People
When I was in college I did research on economic relations between Thailand and Japan.
After that, I went off to Thailand by myself to work in a company and even though I had studied Thai, I was confused and surprised a lot of times working with Thai people.
I know many stories of hardship, but also many success stories about Japanese residents in Thailand, thanks to my previous jobs. I also had many chances to ask Thai managers and economists their thoughts, so I can provide real life examples while we study Thai ideology through Thai proverbs and books that specialize in this.
Let’s work together to learn about their opinions and way of thinking. I want to hear your thoughts as well!
※Books I’ve read that specialize in this topic:
Working With the Thais: A Guide to Managing in Thailand - Henry Holmes, Suchada Tangtongtav
Monogatari tai no rekishi : Hohoemi no kuni no shinjitsu - Ichirō Kakizaki
Tai bijinesu to nihon kigyō - Takamasa Fujioka; Chaipong Pongpanich.; Tomohiro Seki
Tai chūshinkoku no mosaku - Akira Suehiro
Tai chūzai no tai nyūmon - Jun'ichi Kuwano; Jun Ōnishi
English Translation: 12/22/2014 - The Cafetalk Team
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Lessons by this tutor
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伝わることが大事!通じるタイ語をきちんと話すには?! 日本人だからこそ分かる、タイ語の発音のコツをお伝えします!40min X 6 6,000PPack of 6 -
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