Looking to practice your English skills? Looking to maintain your English skill? Like chilllin' at a cafe; let's have a laid-back chat!
**Can also use your own materials for speaking practice!
**Special Notation:
This is a no camera session.
This is also a focused listening session to practice your listening skills.
**Intermediate and above
The Details:
To learn a languge, you gotta use the language! To maintain your ability with a langauge, you gotta use it!
Imagine yourself in a cafe chillin' with a friend sippin' on coffee.
What type of things would you talk about?
Could you talk about?
In what way would you speak to each other?
Practice having a native-style conversation involving everyday slang, idioms and vocabulary.
This is a casual, laid-back session for practicing conversation. Feel free to ask your questions about grammar, pronounciation, sentence structure; whatever you need help with.
Casual Speech Pattern:
gotta = a combination of the words "got" and "to". It is a very casual way to say "have to"
Another Example:
"I gotta make this phone call" = "I have to make this phone call"
chillin' = Doing something in a relaxing manner
sippin' = A very casual way to say 'sipping'.
Sipping = to drink something in very small amounts, small mouthfulls.
- "I was sipping on a cup of coffee this morning" = proper, grammar correct sentence
- "I was sippin' on coffee this morning" = casual version, not proper grammar in writing.
Reminder – This is a No-Camera session.
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 2時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Q&Aセッション - 質疑応答セッション!
毎日1%ずつの上達…. 毎日コツコツ練習することで、英語力は必ず伸びます。 お時間がない方、短時間で聞きたいことがある方。 そんな皆さんにぴったりのレッスンです!15分 300P -