Hello! I’m Celine!
I was born and raised in Japan and recently moved to Germany.
In Japan I was working as a yoga instructor and had a small tea business.
I went to university in order to become a flight attendant and was able to learn a lot about English as well as Japanese “keigo” (polite speech) and correct manners.
In my lessons I focus on having fun while speaking Japanese.
Try to challenge yourself by speaking, listening, writing and reading.
これまでの生徒とのレッスンの経験 :)
Examples of what I’ve worked on with students so far:
* Customer service on the phone in Japanese and keigo practice
* Test preparation for the JLPT and other qualifications
* Writing documents to apply for university or a job, interview preparation
* Lessons for beginners focusing on pronunciation and simple vocabulary
* Lessons for intermediate students with vocabulary and expression training
* Lessons for advanced students where we talk about Japanese culture, people and more in order to make you speak Japanese like a native
and more…
I’m stoked about the feedback I have received from a lot of my students so far that are recommending my lessons and want to continue studying Japanese with me!
I want to continue challenging and improving myself on different fronts!
One of the best things about my lesson is that if you want to, you can have homework that you can work on everyday outside of our lessons.
I’m of the opinion that one of the shortest paths to mastering a foreign language is developing a habit to come in contact with that language every day.
I create homework problems personally for you by taking your personal schedule into account.
The homework consists of audio files, quizzes and more tailored to your needs.
A cornerstone in getting good at Japanese is your enthusiasm, motivation and the constant urge of wanting to improve!
Cafetalk's cancellation policy
Before request is confirmed (fixed)
- Cancellation possible at any time without charge.
After request is confirmed (fixed)
- More than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ Cancellation is possible at any time.
- Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
No-Show→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
(Please check with the tutor for details.)
Lessons by this tutor
【より多くの方の人生を豊かにするため、カフェトークでもこちらのレッスンをスタートすることにしました✨】自分がしたいこと、できることってなんだろう。 そんなあなた、一緒に頭の中を整理して夢への近道、分析しませんか??✨25min 1,700P -
NEW⭐︎ヨガ座学とポーズ解説 基礎からヨガを学ぶ
ヨガのポーズの詳しい解説からヨガについての素朴な疑問まで(ヨガは一日のうちいつやるのが好ましい?など)ヨガの科学から基礎を学び、正しい方法でヨガを実践していきましょう:)25min 2,000P -
仕事中に生かそう!気軽にできる!ヨガを使ってセルフケア!٩( 'ω' )و
オフィスワークで足がむくむ、肩こりが辛い、立ちっぱなしで腰が痛い、太ももがはる!今日の重労働からくる明日の筋肉痛を和らげたい!そんなあなたへ!25min 2,000P -
25分⭐︎スキマ時間で気軽にヨガタイム♪(´ε` )
〜気軽にヨガ!仕事前に気持ちも体もしゃきっとしたい時に、ぐっすり眠りたいなあ、おやすみ前の贅沢タイムに(๑╹ω╹๑ )〜25min 2,000P -
〜必要な筋肉をポーズと呼吸で鍛える!いらない体の緊張を手放すことで、呼吸がすみずみまで流れていく!しなやかな心とボディを作る!〜60min 3,500P -
〜ヨガって楽しそうだからやってみたい!おうちで練習してるけど自分のポーズって合ってるのかな?そんなあなたのワクワクをサポートします!♪〜60min 3,500P -
引き寄せの法則から学ぶ本当の人生の楽しみ方!実はあなたの思考の癖で全ては現実化している?!25min 2,000P -
九星気学から学ぶ!統計学の観点から人生をより生きやすく楽しくしよう✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
人は自分のことはよく分からないのは当たり前のことです!客観的に見ることでもっと自分の本当の生きる道を探しましょう!25min 2,000P -
Beginner learners are very welcomed. For those who would like to speak English and Germany!! The only thing you need is the passion to learn!
英語が苦手だあ〜→あ、英語いけるかも?٩( ᐛ )و二人三脚で楽しみましょう!25min 2,000P