Blake is one of the best-loved but least understood English poets. He was also an artist and printer. He illustrated and printed the books in which he published his poetry.
Although he was influenced by many of the ideas popular during his day, he was an original thinker. There is no other poet quite like Blake.
Of Blake’s poems, 'The Lamb' and 'The Tyger' are two of the best known and easiest to read and discuss. They are a good place to start if you would like to look more deeply into this remarkable man and his work.
If you request this lesson, I will send you a pdf with the text of the poems and a short introduction to Blake. I will also send a pdf explaining some of the difficult words. If possible, please try to read these before our lesson.
You will have a chance to read the poems aloud during the lesson, if you choose. This is entirely optional: I will not put pressure on you.
If you would like to send me your written response to the poems (no more than one response of 200 words, please), I will give you brief feedback on it.
This lesson will appeal to Upper Intermediate and Advanced students who are interested in English literature, history, and culture.
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Vocabulary for Beginners (初心者向け語彙)
Here is a chance for complete beginners to learn new English words.25分 1,200P -
George Washington and the Cherry Tree (Kids' English lesson 1)
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King Canute and the Tide (English for Kids: Lesson 2)
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Robert the Bruce and the Spider (English for Kids: Lesson 3)
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Nice to meet you! Tell me about yourself.
A chance to talk about the things that are important to you.20分 0P -
Brief informal conversation
Let's talk about anything that interests you. All levels welcome.15分 700P -
Longer informal conversation
Let's talk about anything that interests you. All levels welcome.25分 1,300P -
Smile: Turn that frown upside down!
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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (世界人権宣言; 세계인권선언)
In this lesson we look at the language we use to talk about human rights.50分 2,200P -
The Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) was more than a scientist and politician. He was also a man of wisdom.50分 2,200P -
'Mending Wall': a poem by Robert Frost
(1) What is the purpose of walls? Do we need them? (2) Should we follow tradition or should we question it?30分 1,500P -
‘The Road Not Taken’: a poem by Robert Frost
How do we make choices in life when we do not know the future?25分 1,500P