8 Pack - Together we made and and reviewed the custom course material, now it is time to start !
When you buy this lesson plan, I issue you
8 individual lesson coupons.
This is a lesson pack for dedicated students who are committed to achieving their English goals. It comes with 8 coupons, each good for a 50 minute lesson.
8 individual lesson coupons.
This is a lesson pack for dedicated students who are committed to achieving their English goals. It comes with 8 coupons, each good for a 50 minute lesson.
Remeber, when you buy a lesson from me, I give you more than just the minutes you pay for, I give you material, I give you follow up, I give you self study exercises, I motivate you to do the self study - In return for my extra effort, I expect extra effort from you.
We will cover -
General conversation
Introduction to new vocabulary and it's meaning
Comprehension check
Questions and Answers
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
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- レッスン開始時刻の 24時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
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IELTS Trial Lesson - Specifically for IELTS
If you are taking the IELTS exam, you MUST take this trial class !30分 600P -
IELTS - 4 Lesson Package (2,300 per lesson)
We will cover each of the IELTS modules, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.60分 9,200P -
科学 - 6〜12年生 - 4 レッスンパック (1レッスン2,300P)
科学は気が遠くなるようなものですが、それが教えてくれるのは言語が変わっても同じです。簡単な説明で一つずつ明確にしていきましょう。60分 9,200P -
周りに流されるな!己を信じろ! これは実践的なレッスンです。あなたの英語レベルを評価し、ご自身の学習ペースと時間でできる、学習パッケージを一緒に作成していきます。50分 2,800P -
How to Achieve a Happy New Year
We all strive to attain happiness, this class will help us keep this elusive prize once we have it.60分 2,400P -
Single Science Lesson - Grades 6 to 12
Science is interesting because all branches of science are linked to each other as well as to our daily lives.60分 2,800P -
Coronavirus - Let's talk about it - Let's look at the facts
This affects all of us, so let's understand it30分 1,500P -
愛犬を理解する - 犬の考え方について学ぼう
Once you understand how your dog sees the world, you will start to understand his behavior50分 2,200P -
TOEIC Preparation, Tips and Strategies -
This lesson will get you started on a proven and successful TOEIC study plan.50分 2,800P -
Understand the USA Sub Prime Lending Crisis that plunged the World into Recession
The 2008 USA Financial Collapse led to a World Wide Recession. Now you can learn how this happened, step by step, in logical language that everyone can understand.60分 2,800P -
How to Read any Text with Comprehension and Understanding
This lesson teaches you how to grasp the full meaning of what you read.50分 2,200P -
How to Consistently make Good Decisions.
Improve your English while you learn what is possibly the most important skill required for a successful and happy life.50分 2,200P -
Public Speaking vs Speaking Privately
The difference is the audience, how you need to engage them and hold their attention.50分 2,400P -
Happiness - The Lesson - How to be Happy and Stay Happy
Life is tough, we need to know where to find our daily happiness and how to hold onto it. There will be times when we need to restore our happiness after life's tragedies, we can learn how to do this together.50分 2,400P -
Choose form one of my recommended TED talks, or make your own ion.60分 2,400P -
スキューバダイビング ‐ それについて話しましょう! -それについて学びましょう
もしスキューバダイビングが好きであればぜひこのレッスンをリクエストしてください! 素晴らしい水中世界に潜るとあなたの英語力が向上するでしょう。25分 1,200P -
How to be a Cafetalk Tutor and what to expect.
Have you noticed how a small group of new tutors outperform the majority, even though their profiles are of similar quality ? I will explain why and show you how to maximise your earning potential.50分 2,400P -
Counseling Right Here, Right Now
If your problem is urgent, I will try to drop everything and assist. We will address career, relationship, financial problems, sorrow, despair and loneliness60分 2,800P