Agile Certified Practitioner(ACP)

60 X 15
40,000 ポイント
1回あたり 2,667 ポイント
This PMI-ACP® training equips you to be a proficient agile professional, with expertise in various agile approaches including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming, and test-driven development. This program is up-to-date with recent PMI-ACP exam update


これは合計15回のパックレッスンです。初回のリクエスト確定時に、全回数分のポイントが消費されると同時に、残り14 回分の「100%OFFクーポン」が自動発行されます。パックレッスンの2回目以降はそのクーポンをご利用でリクエストしてください。なお、初回レッスン日から90日以内に全てのレッスンを受講頂くようお願いします。



This PMI-ACP® training will turn you into a competent agile practitioner with expertise in various agile methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming, and test-driven development.

This course is aligned with recent updates to the PMI-ACP exam, using the Agile Practice Guide as new reference material. This course covers agile methodologies, tools, and techniques and the concepts of the Agile Practice Guide while providing real-life scenarios throughout.

Target Audience:
1. Project managers.
2. Agile team members.
3. Associate/assistant project managers.
4. Team leads/managers.
5. Project executives/engineers.
6. Software developers.
7. Any professional aspiring to be a project manager.

Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the history and evolution of agile, including its core concepts and principles.
2. Gain practical knowledge of Scrum, Kanban, XP, and Test Driven Development(TDD) agile principles.
3. Build proficiency in implementing iterative development models for projects of any size.
4. Enhance the ability to deliver high-impact stories and epics.
5. Develop the knowledge and skills required to clear the PMI-ACP certification exam.

Lesson 01 - Course Introduction
1. Course Introduction.
2. Eligibility Requirements.
3. About the Course.

Lesson 02 - Agile Principles and Mindset - Part 1
1. Agile Principles and Mindset - Part One.
2. Introduction to Agile.
3. Agile Engineering Practices.
4. The Agile Manifesto.
5. Agile Manifesto Explained.
6. Principles of Agile Manifesto.
7. Applying the Principles of the Agile Manifesto.
8. Agile Core Principles and Practices.
9. Benefits of Agile.
10. Project Life Cycle Characteristics.
11. Key Takeaways.
12. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 03 - Agile Principles and Mindset - Part 2
13. Agile Principles and Mindset - Part Two.
14. Agile Methodologies.
15. Agile Mindset.
16. Where to Apply Agile.
17. Meaning of Scrum.
18. Features of Scrum.
19. Three Pillars of Scrum.
20. Scrum Roles.
21. Key Terms of Scrum.
22. Scrum Meetings.
23. Scrum: An Empirical Process.
24. Extreme Programming.
25. Extreme Programming Practices - Part A.
26. Extreme Programming Practices - Part B.
27. Roles in Extreme Programming.
28. Process Diagram of XP.
29. Crystal Method.
30.Properties of Crystal Method.
31. Key Categories of Crystal Method - Part A.
32. Key Categories of Crystal Method - Part B.
33. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM).
34. Basic Principles of Atern.
35. Planning Philosophy in DSDM.
36. DSDM Techniques.
37. DSDM Phases.
38. Feature-Driven Development.
39. Agile Project Management.
40. Key Takeaways.
41. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 04 - Value-Driven Delivery - Part 1
1. Value-Driven Delivery - Part One.
2. Quantifying Customer Value.
3. Time Value of Money.
4. Time Value of Money: Example.
5. The Financial Feasibility of Projects.
6. Return on Investment ROI.
7.Net Present Value (NPV).
8.Net Present Value (NPV): Example.
9. Internal Rate of Return (IRR).
10. Payback Period.
11. Payback Period: Example.
12. Prioritization of Functional Requirements.
13. Moscow.
14. Kano Model.
15. Relative Weighting.
16. Prioritization of Non-Functional Requirements.
17. Risk Management in Agile.
18. Key Takeaways
19. Knowledge Check

Lesson 05 - Value-Driven Delivery - Part 2
20. Value-Driven Delivery - Part Two.
21. Minimal Viable Product.
22. Project Planning Using MVP.
23. Agile Compliance.
24. Key Drivers of Agile Compliance.
25. Incremental Delivery.
26. Review and Feedback.
27. Earned Value Management.
28. Earned Value Metrics.
29. Earned Value Metrics: Example.
30. Agile Contracts: Components.
31. Agile Contracting Methods.
32. Fixed-Price or Fixed-Scope Contract.
33. Time and Materials (T and M) Contract.
34.T and M with Fixed Scope and Cost Ceiling.
35.T and M with Variable Scope and Cost Ceiling.
36. Bonus or Penalty Clauses.
37. Rolling Agile Contracts.
38. Terms Used in Agile Contracts.
39. Key Takeaways.
40. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 06 - Stakeholder Engagement - Part 1
1. Stakeholder Engagement - Part One.
2. Stakeholder Engagement.
3. Project Charter.
4. Understanding Stakeholder Needs.
5. Agile Wireframes.
6. User Story.
7. Story Card Information.
8. Agile Personas.
9. Theme and Epic.
10. Agile Story Maps.
11. Community and Stakeholder Values.
12. Key Takeaways.
13. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 07 - Stakeholder Engagement - Part 2
14. Stakeholder Engagement - Part Two.
15. Community Management.
16. Communication and Knowledge Sharing.
17. Social Media Communication.
18. Information Radiators.
19. Burnup and Burndown Charts.
20. Kanban or Task Board.
21. Impediment Logs.
22. Characteristics of Information Radiators.
23. Agile Modeling.
24. Active Listening.
25. Key Elements of Active Listening.
26. Globalisation Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity.
27. Cultural Diversity Issues: Recommendations.
28. Agile Facilitation Methods.
29. Agile Negotiation and Conflict Management.
30. Five Levels of Conflict.
31. Key Takeaways.
32. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 08 - Team Performance - Part 1
1. Team Performance - Part One.
2. Features and Composition of Agile Teams.
3. Stages of Agile Team Formation.
4. High-Performance Teams.
5. Generalising Specialist.
6. Team Responsibility.
7. Self-Organisation.
8. Key Takeaways.
9. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 09 - Team Performance - Part 2
10. Team Performance - Part Two.
11. Agile Leadership.
12. Best Practices of Agile Leadership.
13. Management vs Leadership.
14. Servant Leadership.
15. Coaching and Mentoring.
16. Agile Coaching.
17. Agile Emotional Intelligence.
18. Team Motivation.
19. Maslow’s Theory.
20.Frederick Herzberg's Theory.
21.McClelland's Theory.
22. Boehm's Theory.
23. Team Space.
24. Co-Located Teams.
25. Distributed Teams.
26. Co-Located vs. Distributed Teams.
27. Osmotic Communication.
28. Team Collaboration and Coordination.
29. Collaboration Technology.
30. Communication Gap-Example One.
31. Communication Gap-Example Two.
32. Team Velocity.
33. Velocity-Example One.
34. Velocity-Example Two.
35. Sample Velocity Chart.
36. Velocity-Example Two.
37. Agile Tools.
38. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 10 - Adaptive Planning - Part 1
1. Adaptive Planning - Part One.
2. Planning Philosophy.
3. Aligning Agile Projects.
4. Rolling Wave Planning.
5. Timeboxing.
6. Best Practices of Timeboxing.
7. Advantages of Timeboxing.
8. Agile Estimation.
9. Story Points.
10. Assigning Story Points.
11. Story Points Estimation.
12. Story Points Estimation Scale: Example.
13. Value Points.
14. Ideal Days.
15. Story Points vs. Ideal Days.
16. Wideband Delphi Technique.
17. Planning Poker.
18. Planning Poker: Example.
19. Affinity Estimation.
20. Key Takeaways.
21. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 11 - Adaptive Planning - Part 2.
22. Adaptive Planning - Part Two.
23. Project Size Estimation.
24. Release Plan.
25. Release Plan: Example.
26. Iteration Plan.
27. Types of Iteration Planning.
28. Iteration Lifecycle: Example.
29. Release Plan vs. Iteration Plan.
30. Agile Product Roadmap.
31. Backlog Refinement - Part Two.
32. Value-Based Analysis and Decomposition.
33. Agile Cone of Uncertainty.
34. Velocity Variations.
35. Sprint Reviews.
36. Sprint Retrospectives.
37. Mid-Course Corrections.
38. Key Takeaways.
39. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 12 - Problem Detection and Resolution - Part 1
1. Problem Detection and Resolution - Part One.
2. Agile Problem Detection.
3. Problem Detection Techniques.
4. Fishbone Diagram.
5. Five Whys Technique.
6. Control Charts.
7. Lead Time and Cycle Time.
8. Kanban.
9. Kanban Process.
10. Example of Kanban Board.
11. Work In Progress.
12. Managing Constraints.
13. Little’s Law.
14. Escaped Defects.
15. Agile Problem Solving.
16. Key Takeaways.
17. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 13 - Problem Detection and Resolution - Part 2
18. Adaptive Planning.
19. Metrics and Measures.
20. Benefits of Metrics.
21. Examples of Metrics.
22. Baseline Metrics.
23. Variance and Trend Analysis.
24. Risk Management Life Cycle.
25. Step One-Risk Identification.
26. Step Two-Risk Assessment.
27. Step Three-Risk Response Strategies.
28. Step Four-Risk Review.
29. Risk Log.
30. Risk Burndown Chart.
31. Risk Profile Graph.
32. Spike.
33. Agile Failure Modes.
34. Agile Coach Failure Modes.
35. Troubleshooting Guidelines.
36. Key Takeaways.
37. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 14 - Continuous Improvement - Part 1
1. Continuous Improvement - Part One.
2. Kaizen.
3. Kaizen in Agile.
4. Lean.
5. Defining Waste Manufacturing and Software Development.
6. A Five-Step Process to Becoming Lean.
7. Value Stream Mapping.
8. Agile Retrospectives.
9. Cargo Smells.
10. Conducting a Retrospective.
11. Brainstorming Techniques.
12. Process Analysis Techniques.
13. Agile Process Tailoring.
14. Project Factors That Influence Tailoring.
15. Key Takeaways.
16. Knowledge Check.

Lesson 15 - Continuous Improvement - Part 2
17. Continuous Improvement - Part Two.
18. Quality in Agile.
19. Best Practices for Quality in Agile.
20. Best Practice One: Verification and Validation.
21. Best Practice Two: Exploratory Testing.
22. Best Practice Three: Usability Testing.
23. Best Practice Four: Test-Driven Development.
24. Test-Driven Development Advantages.
25. Acceptance Test-Driven Development Cycle (ATDD).
26. Best Practice Five: Continuous Integration.
27. Best Practice Six: Definition of Done.
28. Testing Pyramid and Quadrant.
29. Checklist for Story Completion.
30. Agile Flowchart.
30. Agile Spaghetti Diagram.
31. Organizational Self Assessment.
32. Key Takeaways.
33. Knowledge Check.


カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


• 「未開始」のパック(1) はいつでもキャンセルが可能です。キャンセルされた場合、ポイントは全額返却されます。
※1 初回を含めて1度も確定されていないレッスンパックは「未開始」と表示されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。


• パック全てではなく、パックに属する一つのリクエストのみキャンセルされたい場合は、通常のリクエストと同様、リクエスト詳細ページから可能です。その場合、講師の単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーに従い、リクエスト時に使用されたクーポンが返却、もしくは消費されます。講師による単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーで定められている50%の一部返金については、レッスンパックには適用されず、講師がクーポンの返却、もしくはクーポンの消費のいずれかを選択できます。予めご了承ください。


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。


すべてのレッスン すべて


13:30   19:00
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13:30   19:00
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13:30   19:00
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18:00   22:30
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Asia/Tokyo 時間で表示。
Agile Certified Practitioner(ACP)


