Cafetalk "Book week Campaign" - "A funny thing happened on the way to chemo, A memoir about getting cancer - Twice!" by Luke Ryan.
Your very own private book club ! Let's read Luke Ryan's book
"A funny thing happened on the way to chemo - A memoir about getting cancer - Twice!"
It's a great book with short, easy to read chapters (some challenging vocab).
Think of these lessons as your very own private book club (exclusive membership - only two members - you and I). We can read through the introduction (for starters) of Luke Ryan's book, "A funny thing happened on the way to chemo: A memoir of getting cancer - Twice ! " or we can make our way through the entire book, taking it, one lesson (pack) at a time.
I think this is a great book for learners, because you can read one chapter at a time, without feeling overwhelmed.
FYI: There is another book with a very similar title, written by a lady in the UK. (I have not read her book).
To be honest, I don't read many books for entertainment. I read tonnes of articles ! I read articles with my students (adults and kids). I read articles for both work and leisure on a range of different topics, including for educational purposes and entertainment. I read news articles, articles about health, travel, scientific research etc etc.
However, I rarely find the time (or a book that holds my interest), to sit still in one place long enough to read an entire book, but this book captivated me, right from the word go (pardon the pun).
It touched me in a way, few books ever have. It is funny and it's heartbreaking all at the same time. It made me laugh, it made me smile, it made me tear up. It certainly tugs at the heartstrings. Various parts even brought a tear to my eye. I recall having a lump in my throat on more than one occasion.
I read it years ago. I knew what it was about when I bought it, obviously. In fact it was one of the reasons I purchased it. I spotted it as I walked past the book section of a department store and it caught my eye, and something told me, I should buy that. It was practically calling my name.
I'm also, not one to buy books. I'd much rather go to the library (call me a cheapskate if you wish). After all, that's what libraries are for, right ? - to borrow books, save money (and space on your bookshelf). There is a little more meaning to the purchase of this particular book, than that but I'll leave it at that for the time being. As someone who doesn't have much time for reading in one sitting, I also love that it has lots of short chapters. So, it's easy to read a chapter or two and then come back to it later, or the next night (or for next week's lesson).
This lesson was designed as a part of the Cafetalk "book week" campaign, so obviously, as a one off lesson, we aren't going to have time to read a whole book. However, maybe after this lesson, once you've read the introduction, you might feel confident enough to read the entire book (with or without my help). If you feel like you'd like to go through the complete book during lessons, feel free to start booking some lesson packs (you get discounted rates when booking a 5 pack of classes).
It might sound like an odd topic, (cancer - twice), but it's a true story, and it might surprise you to know, (unfortunately, some of you may already be aware), cancer can strike twice. It's not as uncommon to develop cancer more than once as one might think. Sadly, it does happen, but more importantly, when it does happen, it can still have a happy ending, (in his case, twice, in fact).
Below, are a few quotes from critics about the book. Book a lesson, let's read the intro, once you've conquered that, read the whole book and let me know your thoughts.
I look forward to meeting you !
"Roaringly, gut-achingly funny. Who knew a book about having the life slowly drained out of you could be so utterly life-affirming?"
– Benjamin Law
“Not only serves up plenty of belly laughs, it does a nice number in poignant moments too. Above all, it deserves a medal for defusing the dread usually provoked by the C-word."
– Sydney Morning Herald
"An intelligent writer of great talent."
– The Australian
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