Learn English through videos.
Suitable for high-intermediate to advanced students.
What is a TED talk?
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. There are many videos on the TED website. The length of each video varies from 5 minutes to an hour.
For this lesson, I am going to choose videos that are between 5-10 minutes.
When you book this lesson, I will choose 2 videos for you. Discussion questions for each video will be sent to you. Please watch the videos before the lesson.
During the lesson, we are going to talk about the issues raised in the TED talks, and what you think about them.
This is a great opportunity to practice your listening and speaking skills.
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 6時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 6-12時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Learn Phrasal Verbs with me
Learning grammar can be fun ^_^ Suitable for beginners and intermediate students.25分 1,100P -
Life Coaching
When you feel stuck, you have trouble imagining a new future. I can help you tap into possibility thinking so you can move toward the change you see for yourself.30分 1,300P -
感情が食習慣に影響を与えるということを知っていましたか?ストレスが溜まっている時や退屈な時、落ち込んでいる時に食べすぎてしまうことはありませんか?感情がどのように私たちの食生活に影響を与えているのか、そして食事のパターンを変える方法について学びましょう。50分 2,100P