ファッション専攻でアメリカの大学を卒業した後にアメリカと日本のアパレル業界で15年以上就労しました。日々のコーディネートの相談、お洋服の洗濯の方法、服の収納 などなど何でもご相談下さい!!
Do you like fashion? Let's talk about it in English!
Kaia Aragon is a young and talented fashion designer who is quickly making a name for herself in the competitive world of fashion.
Unlock the Elegance of Traditional Attire with Confidence and Style
A follow up for people who have been to the 60 minute lesson
어워드 코멘트 대상 발표! 2024년 하반기 카페토크 어워드(가을/겨울) →