In this lesson, you will learn how to win a negotiation, learn to build communications and relationships with different cultures, as well enlarging the vocabulary in communication. This lesson has 4 parts
In this lesson, we would know how to act as a leader, who is a good leader? Its behavior and attitude that is important to be a good one. We can also learn vocabulary, and collocations, and improve listening and analytical thinking. This lesson is a 2 4
This lesson focuses on introducing and expanding English use in Management. We would learn vocabulary and collocations. Improving reading comprehension, listening, and speaking skills as well. This lesson has 2 40-minute lessons with 5 minute break. Th
Valuable tips and tricks on what to say and how to express yourself effectively during your interview
I will craft a well-structured plot that includes a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Language for SEO, search engine marketing, social media and more
Speak Professionally, Communicate Effectively!
「頑張っているのに満たされない」「目標を立てても途中で迷子になる」—— そんな経験はありませんか? もしかすると、それは本当に自分が望んだ目標ではないのかもしれません。 このワークショップでは、無意識に抱えている思い込みを手放し、自分の本音に気づくための思考整理ワークを行います。プレッシャーを感じる目標ではなく、「これならできそう」と思えるゴールを見つけ、安心して前に進めるようになるのが特徴です。 完璧でなくて大丈夫。小さな一歩から始めましょう。心地よく目標に向かう方法を、一緒に見つけていきませんか?
To review presentations, e-mails, business documents, engagements with international clients
This lessons helps those who need to cu=ommuniate better in English at work. The lesson features listening, role-plays, speaking, reading nd comprehension exercises showcasing Business Communication Skills.
Effective Teaching Strategies, Classroom Management & Student Engagement!
アワード投票コメント カフェトークアワード・2024年下半期 →
A Suzuki
Dr Grant
Rena Taiwan
Jessica H
Kei Schönberg