In this lesson, we would know how to act as a leader, who is a good leader? Its behavior and attitude that is important to be a good one. We can also learn vocabulary, and collocations, and improve listening and analytical thinking. This lesson has 5 to
Help and practice preparing for your job interview or business presentation.
Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a more balanced, accomplished, and fulfilled life.
Getting down to Business in English
Learn to calculate interest, payments, and plan for your financial future.
新NISAがはじまりました。制度の説明から、投資の考え方、リスク許容度の確認、投資する金融商品、金融機関の選び方までをパックにして、ガイドします。 レッスン終了時には、あなたは投資家として独り立ち!
★現在韓国語を教えていらっしゃる現役の講師の先生仲間の皆様へ★ 教えながらも、不安や悩みが尽きない方!小さいことでもなんでもOKです。一緒に悩みを解決しましょう!経験談をたくさんシェアします^^『ネイティブ講師・日本人講師』どちらも対応させていただきます◎
These lessons are designed to improve your formal and informal communication. You can learn on how to write formal letters, communications and emails. You can also learn how to prepare presentations and create attractive dashboards for sharing information
Multiple lesson options are available: 1) Learn the full Accounting Cycle. 2) Learn professional bookkeeping and financial accounting using popular accounting packages like Sage, Quickbooks, and Zero. 3) Learn Cost Accounting 4) Learn Managerial Accou
Answering Tough Questions: Essential Tips and Job Interview Practice"
A quick coaching lesson for Job Interviews. English interviews only
"Achieve your goals with tailored practice in just 25 minutes!" 「たった25分で目標達成!あなたに合った練習を提供!」
Understanding of Business Process and internal controls
Introducing Yourself in a Professional Setting
Handling Business Phone Calls
アワード投票コメント カフェトークアワード・2024年下半期 →
Je suis David
Kara Bird
Jacqui L.
jjin Park
Joy Yuan