レベル的に例えれば ブルグミュラー25の練習曲 ソナチネアルバム最初の程度のコースです。 街のピアノ教室に通う感じでご受講なさってください。
Let's have fun talking through songs and games!
Learn Phonics and practice reading with Jaja! Perfect for starters, pre-primary, and primary students.
はじめてピアノに触る、未就学のお子様のためのコースです。 週1回の継続レッスンに。2〜3才さんも応相談。
Let's review phonics and read Oxford Reading Tree together ^^
Let's read Oxford Reading Tree books together and improve your English fluency ^^
Let's have fun while learning! In this lesson we learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation by writing, listening, reading and speaking.
A fun lesson, where kids (age range: 7–14) will learn bite-sized grammar, practice speaking, listen to audio about the relevant topics, and practice writing. The teacher can speak conversational Japanese! So Gambari mashyou! 一口サイズの文法を学び、話す練習をし、関連するトピックの
「小学生のための滑舌改善ボイストレーニング」をお得にご受講いただけるレッスンパックです レッスンのご継続や長期休暇の習い事などにぜひご利用ください ※リクエスト前に詳細を必ずお読みください
Playing the violin is not easy ... but not impossible! Do you want to try? It will be educational and fun! Get violin lessons online!
Fun, Interactive Learning to Build Confidence in Speaking Mandarin
I will answer questions about the challenging parts of the Eiken exam.
Joyful Nursery Rhymes Classes for Little Ones!
レッツゴー4 Let's Go には、生徒が最初から英語で会話できるようになる楽しい共同アクティビティが満載です。
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Eri Kodama
Teacher Hanne
mika tarutani
Toshi 104T
Alex Gregg
Teacher Judy
Ashhari J.