适合3-12岁儿童,A foundational Chinese course for children aged 3-12, covering vocabulary, sentence structures, and conversation skills. Interactive games, songs, and visual aids make learning fun and effective.*
色は基本の3原色(青・赤・黄)と白を使って無限につくることができます。 一期一会の色づくりを楽しみながら、テーマに沿って絵を描く練習を少しずつしてみましょう !
Learn Spanish in a fun way! (Instruction's language could be: (ENG) (GER) (HUN)
Lessons which focus on the 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening for children. Lessons with children based themes. Pictures, toys and even puppets may be included in the lesson.
Let's go, Side by side、Grammer in use, オリジナル教材、アメリカの知名度の高い学校で推薦されてますワークブック(特にインターのお子さんにお薦め)、その他豊富なな教材を使ってレッスンを提供してます。
General Conversation Session for Kids Do you want your child to practice their English speaking skills? This session is perfect for helping them improve their conversational abilities in a fun and engaging way.
These lessons help students become better English readers, to gain more clarity understanding and enjoyment while reading English books and stories.
初めての方限定⭐︎3回体験レッスンを行います♪ ※そろばん式暗算は珠算8級以上の方が対象です。
Let's learn English with a Disney theme!
Português para crianças entre 5 e 12 anos de idade. Portuguese for children between five and twelve years old
お子様向けレッスン。楽譜が読めなくても大丈夫! 楽しく、わかりやすくレッスンいたします♪
Learn grammar with extended fun challenges!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Kayla T
Julien R.-K.
Maestra Saya
Ms.Kana classroom
Amber Rae
Kei Schönberg