試験対策だけに止まらず、将来に備えてアカデミックな英語力を身につけておきましょう。【対象:現在 英検4~2級レベルの小、中、高生】(英検1級、TOEFLレベルを目指す方は別コースとなります)※ご予約前に注意事項をご確認ください。*こちらは英検対策ではありません。
Come read this book with me! "Discover the timeless magic of love and imagination in 'The Velveteen Rabbit', the heartwarming tale that will enchant readers young and old."
親子でのウクレレレッスンを3歳〜小学生、学生まで体験会をしています。 小さいお子様も長く続けて、全くのゼロから音感と、一人でえんすができるよになるレッスン。
Building Strong Foundations for Elementary Students
In this lesson, you will be taught how to start reading through Phonics and how to read by chunking the words into smaller pieces. You will also be taught how to understand the meaning of the words you are learning and eventually, you will be taught how
Basics of Programming in Python
Learning Numbers the Fun Way!
Discount for siblings
Playing the viola is not easy ... but not impossible! Do you want to try? It will be educational and fun! Get viola lessons online!
An Elementary 40 lesson English programme for children aged 8-12 years old ^^
リーディング、ライティング、単語、スピーキング、ディスカッション、リスニングのレッスンです。お子さんに合わせたレッスンをします。Let's go, Side by side、Grammer in use, オリジナル教材、洋書のテキスト、その他豊富な教材を使ってレッスンを提供してます。
Learn English 0
・あいさつ や かいわ の べんきょう をします。 ・にほんご を たのしく べんきょうします。
Let's enjoy English picture books together as a group of three
Engaging and playful lessons that mix storytelling, games, and interactive activities to build confidence and language skills in a fun environment
The Elementary Reading Series by Happy House is very popular with children. Each lesson allows students to learn interesting facts while improving their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Greg R
Nao Nomiyama
Takako. M
Karin piano
Emma D
Najada J.B
David Berger