Is your kid lacking in English language literacy? Learn English with me and see your kids speaking English fluently within a short time. I teach them vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills as well. I use flashcards and props
Design thinking is an educational approach that stresses creative problem solving for children with the added value of an entrepreneurial outlook. It's an approach that could and should lead to more entrepreneurship. The lesson is suitable for 6 - 17-year
リズムにあわせて体で表現してみよう ドレミを練習してみよう
楽譜は読めなくても大丈夫♫ 保育施設で沢山の方々にレッスンをさせていただいております♩ 親子で受けても同価格ですので、お父さんお母さんも一緒にいかがですか? あなたのペースにあわせて、楽しくレッスン行えます♬
Learn about programming languages in layman language by a Google certified Data Engineer
2歳半から6歳までの子ども向けクラスです♪ こちらのコースは、保護者の方も、同席していただき、20分の短時間で、お子様と一緒に音を楽しんでいただきます。 20分コースでは、その日、その時を楽しむ内容となっており、宿題や、課題などはありません。 お子様とコミュニケーション遊びを中心に行ってきます♪
Handcraft creative art lesson in English for children. Good for children to explore creativity, fine/gross motor skills, connection, understanding and problem solving abilities.
This lesson will help your little one to improve his/her vocabulary and pronunciation. Fun and engaging!
This is an orientation session for young first-time students. Let's check your English level, talk about your goals and decide which of my lessons is a good fit for you!
English language arts class consists of a combination of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening from Year 1 to Year 11 (UK) or Kindergarten to Grade 10 (USA). Alternatively, from ages 5 to 16.
Step-by-step Building basic fluency and patterns Lesson Focus I'm a ______________. Learning many different kinds of animals and practicing a conversation.
Suitable for young learners
Let's SPEAK English!
初めて鍵盤に触れるお子様 すでに3、4歳から習っている方。 聴く 歌う 弾く 読む (創る) などの諸能力を総合的に基礎音楽力として身につけていきます。 初めて鍵盤に触れるお子様 すでに3、4歳から習っている方 街のピアノ教室に通う感覚で受講なさってください。 こちらは継続して履修して頂ける方対象でお得な価格設定になっております。
Step-by-step lesson This Lesson Focus What is it? It’s a____/ It’s the _______. What is the difference between “a” & “the”, learning many different vocabulary and practicing conversations. This textbook focuses on multi-skill targets. Such as What
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Ana Cristina
Mutsumi Mukoguchi
Fumie Sensei