⭐︎バイリンガルママが教える楽しい英会話⭐︎ !通常よりお得なレッスンパック!
Describing pictures is a great way to help kids expand their vocabulary while engaging them in a fun activity.
This is a Japanese lesson for children between the ages of 5 and 12.
For teens, kids, children to learn Sign Language.
"Empower your child's self-expression in our Beginner Course! Mastering self-introduction is the key to confident communication.
More time to practice your spoken English, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
I can help you write an awesome Essay!
講師歴25年・Describe what you see.
This animal is called…
Get ready for the golden ticket of English learning! This lesson is the key to unlocking the world of vocabulary for beginners and intermediate learners, including the adorable little ones. It's a rollercoaster of excitement and fun, promising a learning
10月はハロウィンのレッスンで遊ぼう!絵を描いて先生とお話したり、クイズやリーディングのワークに参加しよう☆ ハロウィン 限定レッスン
learn simple signs, like alphabets, numbers, colours, family signs amongst others.
Learning English is Fun: Explore Words, Games, and Smiles!
幼児向け教科書 Let's Go Begin Let's Go には、生徒が最初から英語で会話できるようになる楽しい共同アクティビティが満載です。
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Sakura mochi
Momo Sensei
Cecily G.
lily fan
Ryoko koko
Shin ina