Let's have fun while practicing Japanese ! I have several E-learning materials for you to study. you don't need textbook. I can teach you how to read and write Hiragana/ Katakana. I will help you reach all of your Japanese study goalswe can study at your
あなたが、好きなアイドルは誰ですか?? 推しについて、日本語で一緒に話しましょう! j-pop、k-popなど、ジャンルは問いません。 anything is ok^^ あなたの参加をお待ちしてます♪
Discount pack: five lessons for the price of four
Do you want to become good at speaking Japanese? Learn to speak "perapera" (fluently) in this class. にほんごを もっと じょうずに はなしたい ですか? You don't have a confidence to speak Japanese fluently with native Japanese speaker? かいわに じしんが ないですか?
Do you want to become good at speaking Japanese? Learn to speak "perapera" (fluently) in this class. にほんごを もっと じょうずに はなしたい ですか? You don't have a confidence to speak Japanese fluently with native Japanese speaker? かいわに じしんが ないですか?
JLPT 絶対合格! 頑張る人のためのクラスです。 日本語の新聞や雑誌が読めますか?日本人が普通に話すスピードの会話が理解できますか? このクラスではJLPT合格だけでなく、会話のレベルアップもも目指します。
Let's talk about what you did today, the weather, your hobbies, anything you like!
【Free Talk】
This is a class for students just starting with their Japanese studies. Let's assess your level and improve your Japanese!
This lesson is for like N1, N2 advanced speaker. My former job was international flight attendant, I had been flying all over the world, that’s why I’m really love to find hot spot and popular restaurant, and also love to see and hear the news coming
Let’s talk a lot in Japanese! If you keep practicing conversations, you will be able to speak more fluently. (This is a pack of 5 lessons.)
JLPT N2・N1を集中して学習したい人に。1ヶ月半(90日)・10回のレッスンパックです。あなたの状況にあわせて、日本語教師&カウンセラーが合格に向けて全力で応援します。
「日本語ロジカルトレーニング」の教科書を使います。 『自分の意見や主張を相手に伝える』ためのレッスンです!
Lets practice to speak in Japanese! 日常会話を練習したいという人大歓迎!ビジネスや旅行などシーンを決めて練習できますよ!
Let's enjoy talking in Japanese like friends, like colleagues!! Don't be afraid of making mistakes just Enjoy!!
Lets practice to speak in Japanese! 日常会話を練習したいという人大歓迎!ビジネスや旅行などシーンを決めて練習できますよ!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Charles (チャールズ)
Ana Cristina
Angélica C
Bradley Anderson
Emi Mori