【N2レベル以上の方が対象です】日本の新聞を読んでみませんか? 朝日デジタル、NHK、毎日新聞・・・ほかにも読みたい記事がありましたら、お知らせください^^
Active office worker teaches real Business Japanese! Let's practice each situation with role-play!
Discount pack: five lessons for the price of four Let's speak Japanese "Perapera" (fluently)!
Do you need to study Japanese for work? Let's learn Japanese as it is spoken in a business setting.
This lesson is recommended for people who want to practice at Japanese speed, and not good at listening!
【読む・話す・書く】 日本語の記事を読む 自分の意見を話す 作文添削
少し時間あればおしゃべりしましょう。 Let's enjoy conversation in Japanese only in the lessons.
Let's talk in Japanese! Practice your spoken Japanese, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
お得で続けやすいレッスンです。 レッスン後は「スピーディーフィードバック(speedy feedback)」で復習することができます^^
初めての日本語はここから!! 日語從這裡開始學習吧!日籍專業老師!會用國語解說!
Whether you want to study with textbooks or learn more freely in conversation, reading, or other areas, let's create this lesson together!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Kanae tarot
Zach McLaughlin
Healing Counselor Sets
Salvatore Grasso
Melody cha
Fumie Sensei
Andreas Lechner