Are you on a busy schedule? Even talking a little bit every day helps. This is a short 15 minute lesson!
Learn Tagalog The Fun & Easy Way!
中上級、上級レベルの人にオススメ!! ( for higher intermediate or advanced level ) 会話をしながら語彙力を伸ばしましょう(*´∀`)♪
This lesson is recommended for people who want to practice at Japanese speed, and not good at listening!
Listening is the one skill that you use the most in daily life. It's the basis for your speaking, writing, and reading skills. This lesson focuses on daily English comprehension skills at 3 levels based on content, voices, vocabulary, and natural speed
Russian for complete beginners / 完全な初心者のためのロシア語
Enhance your Speaking and Listening skills in Japanese
日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)の先生(せんせい)と話しましょう! Let's chat with a teacher of the Japanese language school!
Correction, advice, and strategies for any level
To Learners of Japanese at all level who want to talk a lot in Japanese and who have something you want to talk. Let's talk! If you want, I am glad to explain them in English as well.
Identify your skills through a simple level test and consult on the direction of your class in the future.
「実践英語」+「受験英語」/ 社会人・学生の双方を対象にレベルの高いクラスを担当するプロ講師による、理想的な4技能のコーチング。日本生まれ・日本育ちでネイティブレベルを達成した経験を最大限に活かしての発音トレーニング、10年以上の講師歴で見出した2WAYカリキュラム、「①文法事項の早期・効率的導入⇒多読+シャドーイング(講師による音源提供あり)」「②単語・熟語の理想的インプット&アウトプットのコーチング」、この両輪を計画的に、相互を補強、高めるメソッドです。※書画カメラあり※zoomレッスンの経験豊富
55 minutes of targeted learning with techniques and practice + feedback!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Tanya Forbes
Raphaela I.
J Min
Charles (チャールズ)
Lizzie H