For Longer Exposure to Writing Practice
ライティングやスピーキングなど自主学習だけでは、対策が不十分ではありませんか? ライティングの書き方や面接の模擬テスト,長文読解など苦手なことを対策して合格に向けて一緒に頑張りましょう!
This lesson is based on the “Course in Contemporary Chinese (當代中文課程)” series of textbooks used in language schools across Taiwan. Recommended for learners who want to gain a solid understanding of the basics.
あなたに合わせてカスタマイズ!Matilde のレッスンをお得な10回パックレッスンでマイペースで続けましょう!
私と二人三脚で、英検合格を目指しましょう♬ 英検合格を目指すお子様はもちろん、基礎力が足りない大人の方にもおすすめです。問題を解きながら、基礎的な文法、単語、熟語、リスニング力等が身に付きます。
Let's read about current events while you improve your English reading skills.
This lesson is recommended for people who want to practice at Japanese speed, and not good at listening!
want to regularly lessons. 定期的(ていきてき)にレッスンがしたい人♪ want to lessons at a fixed day every week. 毎週決まった日にレッスンがしたい人♪ 50 days× 8 lessons extra:Giving you a 20% off coupon
Friendly chat about a subject of your choice.
An extended current events-based lesson where we read some of the hottest topics going on in today's world.
(Lesson Pack) Beginners and seniors are welcome♡ Learners who are already learning Korean, who want to review, or who want relearn are welcome too! Please book a lesson of your choice! (Lessons are conducted in Japanese.)
Adults only - Et si on prenait le temps de discuter ?
Let's have a free conversation in Korean :) (Camera OFF is OK)
【中級~上級向け】 ニュースの動画を見ながら日本語を学びましょう! 聞く・読む・話す力を伸ばすためのレッスンです。
Do you have a special class you want to take, but I don't offer it yet? Request it here!
15分のスキマ時間で、英会話練習をしてみませんか。 通常5回3,750pですが、4回分のポイントで5回分のレッスンパック(1回分無料)となっています☆
Let's talk in Japanese!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Sakura mochi
Lizzie H
Daniel Julin