Easy News・地域ニュース・ Pickup News
Would you like to introduce your child to English news articles? Do you want them to become interested in the news and read it in English? Afterward, they can discuss their opinion about the topic! It's great output for your child.
10秒以内に発話を促すレッスンです。 多くのシチュエーションを用意しています。 日常会話バージョン、旅行会話バージョン、文法特化バージョン、英検準2級面接バージョン、英検2級面接後半問題バージョン、準1級面接後半バージョン 気分と目標で,ご選択ください。
Learn English the polyglot way!
5 Children's English Lessons for the price of 4! One class free!
「Where are you from?」「I'm from Japan」など会話型の瞬間英作文で、パッと話せるスピーキング力を身につけます。
Do you sometimes feel like you are not able to fully express what you want to say in English?? Practice expressing your thoughts and opinions in this lesson.
This lesson is great for students who want to learn basic Korean skills such as “speaking, listening, reading, and writing” while enjoying simple conversations. (25 minutes)
This lesson prepares you for the Futsuken exams (the level of your choice)
Camera OFF.
Let's have coffee & practice Chinese! This class is for beginner, basic,middle,until high levels. And recommend for the people who is planning to work or study to Taiwan.
Let's learn to pronounce French !
Let's talk about anything you want to.
【25分】ゼロからでも、やり直しでも、お引越しでも♪ 「ちょっとココだけ」のスポット利用も大歓迎♫ 「なんとなく」をそのまま放置せず、しっかり文法を理解しながら、発音も音読も同時に学べる総合レッスンです。 ARI T.が厳選した文法、会話文、読み書きをバランス良く織り込んだテキストを使用して学習するこのレッスン、レッスン後にはネイティブ音源もお届けします♪ 対象:入門〜上級者対象
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Dan H
tarot YURIA
Sachi Art
May Lee